
Battles Of WWII

  • US Enters the War

    US Enters the War
    This was very critical for the allies
  • Battle of the Coral Sea

    Battle of the Coral Sea
    The Battle of the Coral Sea caused very detrimental damage to both sides of the battle, the US and Japan. Caused Japan to withhold from invading Australia​
  • The Invasion of Italy

    The Invasion of Italy
    This caused Italy to overthrow Mussolini, surrender to the Allies and declare war on Germany.
  • Battle of The Buldge

    Battle of The Buldge
    Germany launched a counter-attack which pushed the US back
  • The Battle of Iwo Jima

    The Battle of Iwo Jima
    US troops stormed Iwo Jima causing the US to suffer about 25,000 casualties. 27 Medals of Honor were awarded and Iwo Jima fought to the last defender.