Racism wrong 1va7gqc

Battle of Racial Equality

  • Supreme Court outlaws school segregation

    Supreme Court outlaws school segregation
    in the Brown vs. Board of Education
  • White Citizens council is formed to resist desegrigation

    White Citizens council is formed to resist desegrigation
  • Emmett Louis Till

    Emmett Louis Till
    Murdered for speaking to white woman.
  • Rosa Parks is Arrested

    Rosa Parks is Arrested
    For refussing to give up her seat to a white man.
  • Montgomery bus boycott begins

    Montgomery bus boycott begins
  • Supreme Court bans segregated seating on buses

    Supreme Court bans segregated seating on buses
  • Congress Passes first civil rights act since reconstruction

    Congress Passes first civil rights act since reconstruction
  • President Eisenhower orders troops to enforce desegregation

    President Eisenhower orders troops to enforce desegregation
  • Black students "sit in"

    Black students "sit in"
  • SNCC is founded

    SNCC is founded