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Batman in Film

  • Batman

    Tim Burton released the first and highly successful Batman film. The film featured Jack Nicholson as the Joker.
  • Batman Returns

    website linkBurton's sequel to the successful Batman film. Features Danny Devito as the Penguin and Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman.
  • Batman Forever

    Val Kilmer takes on the role of Batman. Joel Schumacher directs. The film was successful but faced mixed reviews.
  • Batman and Robin

    George Clooney takes over as Batman. The film was probably the worst thing to ever happen to the franchise.
  • Batman Begins

    Director Christopher Nolan reboots the Batman franchise with this highly successful and critically acclaimed film.
  • The Dark Knight

    Dark Knight WebsiteThe sequel to Nolan's Batman Begins, TDK featured Heath Ledger as the Joker. The film quickly became critically acclaimed and the 13th highest grossing film of all time.
  • The Dark Knight Rises

    The final installment to Nolan's series, this film featured Tom Hardy as the memorable and loveable Bane.