Barack Obama

  • Birthdate

    Barack Obama was norn in Honolulu,Hawaii. His parents are Barack and Stanley Obama.Later on he had a sister named Maya.
  • Parents Split

    Parents Split
    Baracks dad wants to move to Kenya,Africa and his mom does not. They decide to split up. His mom gets married to a guy named Lolo.They now decide to move to Jarta,Indoneisa for Lolos work. Lolo gets Barack a pet ape named Tata.
  • Barack Moves Back

    Barack Moves Back
    Barack moves back to Honolulu at age 10.He moves in with his grandparents.He goes to a better school in Hawaii then in Jarta.
  • Adult Life

    Adult Life
    Barack went to college at Columbia University and Harvard University.Before he became president he worked in the Illinois Senate.
  • Gets Married

    Gets Married
    Barack gets married to Michelle Robenson. They have 2 kids, Malia and Natasha.
  • Gets Elected

    Gets Elected
    Barack gets elected and moves to Washington D.C..
  • Bibliography

    pictures from: Waikiki. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. Kenya. Map/Still. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. Hawaii. Map/Still. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 21 Feb. 2012. Columbia: Robert Mills Historic House. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 21 Feb. 2012 ring. Photograph. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 2