
  • Period: to

    age of revolution 4th period

  • English Thinkers and Revolution

    John Locke, Thomas Hobbs, William Blackstone, and Mary Wollstonecraft were all a big part of the English Revolution. All of these people were all big thinkers of their time. John Locke believed people should learn in experience and also beleived people should govern their own affairs. Thomas Hobbes beileived everyone was created equal and beleived in power from the people. William Blackstone had commentaries on the laws of England. Finally Mary Wollstonecraft wanted women to have rights like men
  • American Thinkers and Revolution

    Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were two great American thinkers. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Idependence, beleived in religious freedom, valued knowledge, and also was the third president. George Washington helped write the constitution, was a great American army general, and was the first president of the United states.
  • American Declaration of Independence

    The American Revolution seperated America from Great Britain.
  • Articles of Confederation

    The Articles of Confederation was the first set of laws for America but did not work the way it was meant and had no way to collect taxes.
  • War and British Defeat

    The reason America deafeated the british was because the war was fought in America and Americans had more will to win.
  • American Bill of Rights and Costitution

    The bill of rights are the first 10 laws written in the Constitution that protects the citicens of America and their rights. The costitution is all of the rights of America's gonernment.
  • French Declaration of the Rights of Man

    The French citicens declared to be treated equally and fair. They believed they were not being treated fair because they were starving while royalty became fat and took all food and money.
  • French Enlightenment

    The American Revolution convinced the French they could change the way they were being treated by their government. Economic troubles made life hard for ordinary citizens. Napolean was the final tipping point of the French Revolution because he made The French people realize he only cared for himself and not the French people.