AZ & US History on Immigration Issues

  • Beginning of Colonial Immigration

    Beginning of Colonial Immigration
    The English Settlers Arrive in America in 1607, which marked the beginning of a nation.
  • Naturalization Act

    Naturalization Act
    This provided some of the first rules that could be followed in order to become a natural citizen of America.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe-Hildalgo
    This treaty ended the Mexican- American War, stating that the United States gains Colorado, Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, California and parts of Utah and Nevada
  • Civil War

    Civil War
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    The congress passed an act where taxes wer levied on all aliens comming into America
  • Ellis Island opens as Immigrant Entry Checkpoint

    Ellis Island opens as Immigrant Entry Checkpoint
    Ellis Island opened as an immigration entry checkpoint to get proccessed before entering into the United States.
  • US Border Patrol Established

    US Border Patrol Established
    Congress passed a Labor Appropriation Act that officially establishes the US border partol.
  • Executive Order 9066

    Executive Order 9066
    President Franklin Roosevelt signs order to relocate Japanese to internment camps.
  • Ellis Island Closing

    Ellis Island Closing
    Ellis Island became part of the Statue of Liberty National Monument.
  • Civil Rights Movement

    Civil Rights Movement
    On this day, this is when Rosa Parks would sit at the front of the bus and refuse to give up her seat, boycotting the bus system.
  • Immigraton Reform & Control Act

    Immigraton Reform & Control Act
    The immigrant must verify that they entered the United States before January 1, 1982
  • Terrorist Attacks on United States

    Terrorist Attacks on United States
    Military support was expanded to support the anti- terrorism and to try and stop terrorist from crossing the borders.
  • Secure Fence Act along the US- Mexican Border

    Secure Fence Act along the US- Mexican Border
    The Act authorizes the construction of a double layered fence to the US and Mexico Border.
  • SB1070 Law in Arizona Signed

    SB1070 Law in Arizona Signed
    Legal and Illegal immigrants will have to provide paperwork to provide status.
  • Obama permits young migrants to remain in U.S

    Obama permits young migrants to remain in U.S
    The Department of Homeland Security will no longer deport illegal immigrants that came into the United States before the age of 16.