
Australia's Involvement In WWII: A Moderately Interesting Story

  • Britain Declares War On Germany

    Britain Declares War On Germany
    Following the invasion of Poland, Britain declares war on Nazi Germany. Since Australia was part of the British Empire at the time, Australia also declares war. Prime minister Menzies announces this via radio on the 3rd. By the end of the war almost a million Australians fought in WWII.
  • Australian Troops Enter First Battle

    Australian Troops Enter First Battle
    The first battle Australian troops took part in was the battle of Bardia. Australia also had a major part in planning and commanding he batle. About 15000 allied troops took part in the battle, most of which were Australian.130 Australians were killed and 326 were wounded, but we managed to capture over 40000 Italians and large amounts of munitions and other supplies.
  • Seige Of Tobruk Begins

    Seige Of Tobruk Begins
    Apporximately 14000 Australian troops hold the small Lybian town of Tobruk against constant bombardment from Axis forces.
  • HMAS Sydney Sunk

    HMAS Sydney Sunk
    On this day the HMAS Sydney sunk with all hands folowing a battle with the German ship HSK Kormoran; which also sunk following the battle with some crew surviving.
  • Australian Forces Leave Tobruk

    Australian Forces Leave Tobruk
    Australian forces defending Tobruk are relieved by allied forces. The troops begin leaving in early November and were all evacuated and replaced with British and European forces by the end of the battle.
  • Fall Of Singapore

    Fall Of Singapore
    On this day the largest surender of British troops in histroy occured. Over 80000 soldiers from around the British Empire were taken prisoner by the Japanese and taken to POW camps. Many died from starvation, exhaustion or Japanese brutality.
  • Bombing Of Darwin

    Bombing Of Darwin
    On this day the largest attack by Japan on Australia occured. 242 Japanese aircraft targeted various military assets in Darwin, causing serious damage and many casualties; both military and civilian.
  • Japanese Submarine Attack On Sydney

    Japanese Submarine Attack On Sydney
    On this day several Japanese submarines moved into Sydney Harbor with the aim of sinking US battleships. The submarines failed to sink any US ships but accidentally hit the HMS Kuttabul, kiling 19 Australian and 2 British soldiers. All Japanese submariners were killed and two of the submarines were recovered. The third escaped the harbor but is thought to have run out of fuel before its rendevous with other Japanese submarines off the coast.
  • First Battle Of El-Alamein Begins

    First Battle Of El-Alamein Begins
    Although this battle was a stalemate, it prevented Axis troops from moving further into the British teritory of Egypt. The battle ended towards the end of July, the 27th, but the fighting would resume only a few months later.
  • Kokoda Track Campaign Begins

    Kokoda Track Campaign Begins
    The first Australian troops arrive in the then Australian territory of Papua (Now Papua New Guinea). Over the next few months these troops (and later reinforcements) fought fiercely against the Japanese along the Kokoda trail. Eventually the Japanese were forced to retreat and allied counterattacks followed.
  • Second Battle Of El-Alamein Begins

    Second Battle Of El-Alamein Begins
    The second battle of El-Alamein was a more decisive battle than the first, with the Axis being completely pushed out of Egypt. The battle lasted for just over two weeks and was not only a decisive victory but also greatly boosted the morale of allied troops.
  • Nazi Germany Surrenders

    Nazi Germany Surrenders
    Germany formally surrenders to the Allies, ending the war in Europe and Africa.
  • Japan Surrenders, WWII Is Over

    Japan Surrenders, WWII Is Over
    Japan finally surrenders, ending WWII. All in all, about 40000 Australians had died, with many thousands more injured.