atomic theory time line

By alv6552
  • 460


    460-370B.C. was the first person to propose the idea that matter was not infinetly divisible.
  • Cathode Ray Tube

    the accidental discovery of the cathode ray led to the invention of the most important technological and social developments of the 20th century-the television. Scientists continued their research using cathode ray tube and by the end of the 1800's they were fairly convinced.
  • John Dalton

    A school teacher in England, marks the beginning of the development of modern atomic theory.
  • J.J. Thompson

    He began a series of cathode ray tube experiments in the 1890's to determine the ratio of its charge to its mass.
  • Ernest Rutherford

    Ernest Rutherford
    he discovered the radio activity
  • Robert Millikan

    american physicts, determined the charge of an electron