Atomic Model Structure

  • Dalton

    He was born, and he was an english chemist.
  • William Crookes

    He was born. He was a Brittish chemist.
  • Dalton

    Dalton died on this day. Development of atomic thoery.
  • J.J Thomson

    Date he was born. He is credited for discovering electrons and isotopes.
  • The Curie's

    Marie Curie was born.
  • Millikan

    He was an American experimental physicist. He was also born.
  • Rutherford

    He was born and he was Brittish Chemist and Physician.
  • Bohr

    He was born. He was a Danish physicist.
  • Henry Moseley

    He was born and he was and enlgish physicist.
  • Henry Moseley

    He had a serious education. He contributed to the science of physics was the justification of physical laws.
  • William Crookes

    He died on this day. He was a pioneer of vaccum tubes.
  • The Curie's

    Marie Curie died.
  • Rutherford

    Died on this date. He won the Nobel Prize in chemistry.
  • J.J Thomson

    Death date. He also invented the mass spectrometer.
  • Millikan

    Died on this date
  • Bohr

    He died. Nobel Prize winner in Physics.
  • Democritus

    He was an ancient greek philospher born in Abdera.
  • Democritus

    He formulated an Atomic Thoery for the universe.
  • Aristotle

    He was a Greek philosopher and polymath.
  • Aristotle

    He taught Alexander The Great.