
By Boop
  • Feb 12, 1504

    Copernicus's Heliocentric Idea

    In 1504 Nicolaus Copernicus began to research the idea of a heliocentric world in order to back up his argument against the church.
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  • Feb 10, 1572


    Tycho discovered a new star in the constellation Cassiopeia in 1572.
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  • Feb 10, 1574

    Tycho Brahe's Lectures

    In 1574, Tycho gave a course of lectures on astronomy at the University of Copenhagen.
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  • Feb 8, 1576

    Uraniborg Finished On Hven Island

    The observatory was started in 1576 and was finished in 1580. It was built on Hven Island and Tycho spent years on the island. He was the first person to record astronomical data. The observatory was named Uraniborg.
    (Month and day incorrect)
  • Tycho Hired Kepler

    Kepler had just gotten out of school with plenty of knowledge about math, but there were no jobs that involved math except with Tycho so he went to Hven Island to work at Uraniborg.
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  • Kepler's Second Law of Planetary Motion

    Kepler's second law: an imaginary line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out an equal area of space in equal amounts of time.
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  • Kepler's First Law of Planetary Motion

    Kepler's first law: planets move in ellipses with hte sun at one focus. This was the first of three laws Kepler discovered. 1605 is when Kepler announced the law.
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  • Galileo Galilei's Findings

    In Galileo's book(The Starry Messenger) he states the moon is a sphere with craters rather than flat and smooth. He had also noticed that Venus had phases, similiar to the moon, which proves it orbits the sun and that Jupiter had its own moons that didn't go around Earth.
  • Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion

    Kepler's third law: the squares of the periodic times are to each other as the cubes of the mean distances.
  • Rhea

    Rhea was the second of Saturn's moons that Cassini Discovered.
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  • Lapetus

    Lapetus was the first of Saturn's moons that Giovanni Cassini discovered.
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  • Tethys

    Tethys was the third of Saturn's moons that Cassini discovered.
    (Month and day incorrect)
  • Dione

    Dione was the last moon of Saturn that Cassini discovered.
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