
  • Jan 16, 1511

    Nicolaus Copernicus Sun in the middle

    Nicolaus Copernicus Sun in the middle
  • Jan 16, 1572

    Tycho locations of heavenly boodies

    Tycho locations of heavenly boodies
  • Johannes Kepler 3 laws

    Johannes Kepler 3 laws
  • Galileo Gailie invented the toteloscope

    Galileo Gailie invented the toteloscope
  • Sir. Issac Newton Unerversal gravation

    Sir. Issac Newton Unerversal gravation
  • First Meteor Shower

    First Meteor Shower
  • Laika Dog in space

    Laika Dog in space
  • First lanched satllite

    First lanched satllite
  • Yuri Gagarin Frist man in space

    Yuri Gagarin  Frist man in space
  • Apolo 11 moon landing

    Apolo 11 moon landing
  • Challenger Distaster

    Challenger Distaster
  • Space Shuttle Columbia disaster

    Space Shuttle Columbia disaster
  • Lanched space shuttle

    Lanched space shuttle
  • Astronomers have discovered the first four exoplanets of 2012

    Astronomers have discovered the first four exoplanets of 2012
  • Galaxy's gamma-ray flares erupted far from its black hole

    Galaxy's gamma-ray flares erupted far from its black hole
    The 2011 flares from a galaxy known as 4C +71.07 now give astronomers the clearest and most distant evidence that the theory still needs some work. The gamma-ray emission originated about 70 light-years away from the galaxy’s central black hole.