Arona- Envpolicy

  • Saving Trees

    William Penn wanted the people to plant a tree for every 5 that they cut down. This is important beacsuse if he had not done this, having trees could be a huge problem today and back then.
  • Preservation of Bison

    This is a good example of what happens when people do not protect an endangered species. Using them as a resource without letting them repopulate is disaterous in the fact that the resource will eventually be gone
  • National Park Service

    The National Park Service has evolved into having over 400 national parks throughout the United States. Because of this being created, we now have big and clean national parks which are important to our country.
  • NY vs NJ Dumpig into harbor

    New York sued New Jersey commisioners for dumping sewage in the harbor. If they had not stopped them, we could still be doing that today which would hurt the wildlife in the harbor and hurt the health in the area.
  • First Air Pollution Test

    Salt Lake City was the first city to test the air pollution. This brought about the concern of having good air to breath no matter where you are. If the test was not taken, we would not know the danger of air pollution and how it affects our health and the overall health of cities.
  • Emergency Conservation Work Act

    President Roosevelt came up with this in order to help the life of humans around the country. It was made to protect erosion and destruction of natural resources. Without this act, we would not have as big of resources as we do now and we would have no way of cleaning them up or making them better to use. This act started the awareness that people need to have respect for their resources.
  • First Ethanol Plant was Opened

    Ethonal is a better and cleaner version of gas we use today. It is made using better resources and it is better for the environment. This plant helped start the use of ethonal gas and made people around the US aware of it. Not just those in the Nidwest.
  • Closing of Schools in LA

    Due to heavy smog conditions, Los Angeles had to shut down schools because it was not safe for kids to be outside and breathing in the pollution that was in the air. This is a good example of what would happen if we lost control of pollution. Except it would be much worse today because we use a lot more things that involve emissions and polutants.
  • Antarctic Treaty

    This treaty stopped the idea of dumping nuclear waste in Antarctica. If countries did not sign this, we would have an ocean unsafe to use and harmful to all aspects of life. It would simply fill the ocean with nuclear waste.
  • First Clean Air Act

    This was the first time when regualtions were put on cars and businesses. Without these regulations we would be living in a pollution filled world practically not liviable in.
  • Water Quality Act

    This was made to enforce or gain awareness of making laws strictly for water pollution and water quality. If President Johnson did not make this act we could have dirty water or water that is not healthy for us to drink.
  • NASA Blue Marble Photo

    NASA got pictures from one of their satellites that showed environmental issues that people had not recognized before. This technology allowed us to see the unseen and it is important to have because there could be issues that are hidden from us without having these technologies.
  • Wild and Scenic River Act

    This was made to protect waterways from pollution. It is important for waterways to be clean because we use them a lot moret han people think. If this act was never put in place, there would be no regulations on keeping rivers clean and we would not be able to use them for the daily use that we do now.
  • National Environmental Policy Act

    This was made to help protect wildlife from human destruction or prevent human destruction on areas that wildlife is needed. Airports, buildings, and other human needs take up a lot of space and a lot of envirnmental destruction is needed and if this was not implemented, we could have damaged good environmental areas that our area needs.
  • The First Earth Day

    Earth Day is an important day to step back and realize how lucky we are to be able to live on a planet that provides for us. It was organized by Gaylord Nelson and if it was not for him, we would not have the respect for planet earth that we need to have.
  • Pollution Free Cars

    GM promised that they would make pollution free cars by 1980. We know now that did not happen. But the strive for making a car that could do as such was there and it was important for them to know that pollution was a problem and still is. GM did come out with a pollution free car called the Chevy Volt in 2011.
  • Endangered Species Act

    This is important because it prevented the extinction of endangered species. If this act was not put into place there would be animals not around today because of the lack of knowledge people had about the wildlife in our country.
  • Safe Drinking Water Act

    This act was made by the EPA and it allowed US citizens to drink clean water and made the ability to have clean water. If this act was not put into place, stores would sell us filthy water and our health would be in danger.
  • Compensation and Liability Act

    This was made by an organization to help fund the cleaning for waste sites and illegal dumping areas to help clean up the community and get rid of the chance of public health being bad because of these sites. If this was not put into action ther ewould be places around our homes that would be conatiminated with all kinds of bad polutants thus effecting the public's health.
  • NASA warns about Global Warning

    NASA, being one of the world's most advanced organizations, was able to tell the government about global warming becoming a problem. By using their technology, there were able to show the government and bring about awareness of global warming. If it was not for them we still may not have an idea about this issue.
  • Exxon Oil Spill

    The Exxon oil spill released 11 million gallons of oil into the ocean. It brought suffering to the area of coastal Alaska and to the surrounding countries. This is a reminder of how bad oil spills coud and can be today.
  • Oil Pollution Act

    This act streamlined the EPA's ability to clean up oil spills. This was made so that people would not have to go through suffering or the bad situations of oil spills in their areas. This is good to have because oil spills to day can be very bad and a way to clean it up fast and with mimal destrcution is important.
  • Julia Butterfly Hill

    This was an example of a protest in order to stop the destruciton of redwood trees. This showed how important wildlife was to people then and now. If it was not for her those trees would have been cut down and destroyed.
  • Killing of David Chain

    This man was killed by forsters during a protest when a tree fell on top of him. He was protesting the destruction of redwoods in his area. This shows not only how important the trees are to people but also what people would do for their wildlife.
  • New EPA Air Quality Standards

    This was made specifically for car exhaust and materials like soot and dust. This brought awareness of these harmful polutants and was able to cut down he amount made by cars and other pollution makers.
  • Great Lakes Compact

    This was an attempt to prevent water slaes to nonregions from the Great Lakes. If we sell water from the great lakes to a large amount of people, the water levels could go down affecting wildlife and other uses for the water in surrounding areas.