APUSH - Unit 7 Part 2 (1890-1945)

  • Woman's Christian Temperance Union

    Woman's Christian Temperance Union
    Among the first organizations of women devoted to social reform that linked the religious and secular ways based on Christianity.
  • Interstate Commerce Act

    Interstate Commerce Act
    A federal law that was meant to regulate railroad industry, mainly it's monopolistic areas. Required railroad rates be reasonable.
  • How the Other Half Lives

    How the Other Half Lives
    Jacob Riis documented the slums of New York, what he deemed the world as the other half, teaming up with immigrants, disease, and abuse.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    The first Federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices.
  • Ida B. Wells

    Ida B. Wells
    African American journalist, editor, suffragist, feminist, and early leader of the Civil Rights Movement. Led an Anti-lynching crusade.
  • National American Woman Suffrage Association

    National American Woman Suffrage Association
    Merged two former organizations in attempt to create equal rights and decide whether the 15th Amendment should be supported or not.
  • Anti-Saloon League

    Anti-Saloon League
    Began as a state organization, non-partisan focused on prohibition. Had branches across the U.S. to get resources for the prohibition fight.
  • John Dewey

    John Dewey
    He changed fundamental approaches to teaching and learning which was from the philosophy of pragmatism.
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    Organized the American Railway Union, which waged a strike against the Pullman Company of Chicago in 1894. After embracing socialism, he became the party's standard-bearer in five presidential elections. Debs was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his opposition to the U.S. involvement in World War 1.
  • Anthracite Coal Strike

    Anthracite Coal Strike
    It was the first time that the President took direct, non-militant action. It was a coal strike by the United Mine Workers of America for higher wages and shorter workdays.
  • Elkins Act

    Elkins Act
    Championed by the PA RR as a way to end the practice of rebates which were refunds to businesses which shipped large quantities on the RR's and many RR companies disliked it.
  • Department of Commerce and Labor

    Department of Commerce and Labor
    The U.S. Department of Labor was created after a long campaign by labor leaders to win Cabinet status for the agency.
  • Ida Tarbell

    Ida Tarbell
    Most known for the muckraker who cracked the oil trust. She made the novel The History of the Standard Oil Company
  • Northern Securities Antitrust

    Northern Securities Antitrust
    Established Roosevelt as a trust buster. It was the first example of his anti-trust legislation to dismantle a monopoly and in this case a holding company controlling the principal railroad lines from Chicago to the Pacific Northwest.
  • Lincoln Steffens

    Lincoln Steffens
    Launched a series of articles that would later be in a book called The Shame of Cities.
  • The Jungle

    The Jungle
    Had a deep and immediate political impact on the country, sending shock waves throughout the U.S. and causing cries for labor and agricultural reform.
  • Meat Inspection Act

    Meat Inspection Act
    Prohibited the sale of adultered or misbranded livestock and derived products as food and ensured that livestock were slaughtered and processed under sanitary conditions
  • Robert La Follette

    Robert La Follette
    U.S. leader of the Progressive Movement, governor of Wisconsin and U.S. senator and was noted for his reform legislation. Unsuccessful presidential candidate of the League for Progressive Political Action.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    It was for preventing the manufacture, sale, and transportation of misbranded and poisonous foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors for regulating food and drugs. Made possible by the book, The Jungle.
  • Square Deal Policy

    Square Deal Policy
    Theodore Roosevelt's domestic policy based on the protection of the consumer, control of large corporations, and conservation of natural resources.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
    Factory fire in New York City was the deadliest industrial disaster in the history of the city and one of the deadliest in U.S. history.
  • Progressive (Bull Moose) Party

    Progressive (Bull Moose) Party
    Formally Progressive Party, U.S. dissident political faction that nominated former president Roosevelt as its candidate in the presidential election of 1912.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The Senate should be composed of two Senators from each state, elected by the people for six years, and each Senator can have one vote.
  • Underwood Tariff

    Underwood Tariff
    Also known as the Revenue Act, re-imposed the federal income tax after the ratification of the 16th amendment and lower tariff rates.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    Established as the central bank of the U.S. to provide the nation a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.
  • Federal Trade Commission

    Federal Trade Commission
    Independent agent of the U.S. government. It's principal mission is the promotion of consumer protection and the elimination and prevention of anti competitive business practices such as coercive monopoly.
  • Clayton Anti-Trust Act

    Clayton Anti-Trust Act
    It was passed to clarify the Sherman Act on topics such as price discrimination, price fixing, and unfair business practices.
  • Keating-Owen Child Labor Act

    Keating-Owen Child Labor Act
    The act banned the sale of products from any factory, shop, or cannery that employed children under the age of 14 from any mine that employed children under age 16 and from any facility that had children under the age of 16 work at night or for more than 8 hours during the day.
  • Margaret Sanger

    Margaret Sanger
    Opened with the first birth control clinic in the United States. An advocate for women's reproduction rights who was also a vocal eugenics enthusiast.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    Only amendment to ever have been repealed from the U.S. Constitution. Established the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the United States by declaring the production, transport, and sale of alcohol illegal
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    Granted women the right to vote and to prohibit states from denying the right to vote based on sex. This was made possible after the Women's Suffrage Movement.