Apartheid Laws

  • Black Land Act No. 27:

    Black Land Act No. 27:
    Banned Africans from buying or owning land outside of their designated reservations.
  • Native (Black) Urban Areas Act No. 21:

    Native (Black) Urban Areas Act No. 21:
    Local authorities held responsibilities and regulated the population of Africans and removed those not employed in the area. The country was divided into urban and non-urban areas. Movement between the two areas was heavily regulated.
  • Industrial Conciliation Act No. 11:

    Industrial Conciliation Act No. 11:
    Reserved jobs for Whites and excluded Africans from registering in trade unions. It also banned Africans from making their own trade unions
  • Immorality Act No. 5:

    Immorality Act No. 5:
    Africans and Whites were banned from having extra-marital intercourse.
  • Representation of Blacks Act No. 12:

    Representation of Blacks Act No. 12:
    African voters were placed into a separate roll. Four white senators represented the Africans throughout the union.
  • Aliens Act No. 1:

    Aliens Act No. 1:
    Regulated entry of specific aliens into the Union and controlled the right of any person to take on a last name.
  • Natives (Urban Areas) Consolidation Act No. 25)

    Natives (Urban Areas) Consolidation Act No. 25)
    African males that were thought to be living unproductive lives or committed a certain number and type of offense can be forcefully removed from urban areas.
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No. 55:

    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No. 55:
    Banned mixed marriages between whites and any other race.
  • Population Registration Act No. 30:

    Population Registration Act No. 30:
    Forced all people to be identified and registered into one of four racial groups from birth. This was stricter than previous laws of its kind.
  • Group Areas Act No 41:

    Group Areas Act No 41:
    Designated areas for use by certain races. Eventually, it was required for people to live in areas designated by race as well.
  • Black Building Workers Act No. 27:

    Black Building Workers Act No. 27:
    Banned Africans from doing skilled building work in white urban areas.
  • Criminal Law Amendment Act No. 8:

    Criminal Law Amendment Act No. 8:
    Gave a three year sentence to those who commit civil disobedience.
  • Blacks resettlement Act No. 19:

    Blacks resettlement Act No. 19:
    Created a Resettlement Board that forced Africans out of townships.
  • Blacks (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act No. 64:

    Blacks (Prohibition of Interdicts) Act No. 64:
    Banned African's delaying their banishment by getting a court order to try and combat the validity of their removal.