Apartheid Combined Timelines

  • Act of union

    Act of union
    South Africa becomes a unified state within the British empire
  • SANNC founded

    SANNC founded
    The native national congress is founded, later renamed The African National Congress (ANC)
  • ANCYL Manifesto

    ANCYL Manifesto
    The ANC youth League writes and publishes its manifesto
  • NP Wins the general election

    NP Wins the general election
    The National Party wins the 1948 general election
  • ANCYL Programme of Action

    The ANC adopts the ANC Youth League's manifesto, aka the Programme of Action, as the official platform
  • The anc youth league was implemented by anc

    The anc youth league was implemented by anc
    It empphasized the rights of african people of self determination and laid out plans to boycott and protest
  • Prohibition of Mixed marriages and Immorality Acts

    No mixed race marriages allowed
  • Prohibition of Mixed marriages and Immorality Acts

    No mixed race marriages allowed
  • Stock limitation act

    Stock limitation act
    was presented by the state as a device for land betterment but its practical significance was the forced removal or slaughter of cattle belonging to african reservists
  • Group areas Act

    Black africans were moved into bantues and were given no properties rights
  • Group Areas Act

    Black africans were moved into bantues and were given no properties rights
  • Mayday strike (SACP)

    Mayday strike (SACP)
    The police opened fire on the protesters killing 19 and wounding 30 people.
  • national day protest

    national day protest
    On June 26, the ANC called for a general strike and day of mourning in protest at the may day murders.
  • The Defiance Campaign

    The Defiance Campaign
    The largest non violent resistance ever seen, in South Africa
  • Population registration Act

    Only whites could vote and everyone was classified as a race and your right would change depending based on what race
  • The Suppression of Communism Act

    banned the South African Communist Party and allowed the government to take action against any group or individual intending to
  • The Suppression of Communism Act

    The Suppression of Communism Act
    Banned the communist party of south africa and proscribed every party subscribed to communism
  • Separate Representation of voters act

    Separate Representation of voters act
    the National Party introduced it to enforce racial segregation, and was part of a deliberate process to remove all non-white people from the voters' roll and revoke the Cape Qualified Franchise system.
  • Criminal Amendment Act

    Criminal Amendment Act
    Which said, anyone speaking against the regime will be guilty of insightment.
  • Separate amenities act

    Separate amenities act
    Give owners rights to exclude people of color from public facilites.
  • The pass laws

    The pass laws
    Blacks had to carry a reference book with them to travel and was a criminal offence to not have it
  • Separate Representation Act

    Separate Representation Act
    the largest scale non-violent resistance ever seen in South Africa. More than 8,000 people across towns in South Africa went to jail for defying apartheid laws.
  • Public Safety Act

    Public Safety Act
    Was made to be able to create state of emergencies and increased penalties for protesters
  • The criminal Law amendment Act

    The criminal Law amendment Act
    which said that anyone even speaking out against the regime would be guilty of ‘incitement’
  • Bantu Education Act

    Young black children were given inferior education compared to other races at the time
  • The Reservation of Separate Amenities Act

    Public facilities where separated for whites and colored and they were not same white area had better everything compared to the coloreds
  • Native Resettlement Act

    Native Resettlement Act
    Removed blacks forcefully and where moved to designated to certain areas
  • Congress of the people

    Congress of the people
    A gathering organized by the national action councel, later known as the congress aliance, to lay out the vision of south african people.
  • Freedom Charter Campaign (ANC)

    Sent out 50,000 volunteers into townships and the country side to collect freedom demands from the people of south africa.
  • Adoption of freedom charter

    Adoption of freedom charter
    united people of all racial origins in a common struggle to end apartheid and to establish a non-racial democratic state. It formed the basis of the country’s democratic Constitution of 1996.
  • The Womens March (FASW)

    The Womens March (FASW)
    To protest the introduction of apartheid pass laws for black women and the presentation of a petition, to prime minister J.G Strijdom.
  • The Treason trial

    A trial in Johanesburg in which 156 people were accused of a raid and treason, lasted until 1961, they were found guilty
  • Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) Splinters away form the ANC

    Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) Splinters away form the ANC
    They broke away because they felt that the focus of the ANC was being lost through compromises with non black organizations.
  • Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act

    Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act
    Stripped Blacks from being part of the government
  • The ANC and PAC were outlawed

    The ANC and PAC were outlawed
    Sobukwe was arrested and jailed until 1969
  • Poqo Formed

    Poqo Formed
    n the PAC, Leballo set up a militant wing called Poqo (pure), which launched a campaign of terrorism against individuals
  • WInds of Change

    British Prime Minister Harold MacMillian delivered his speech suggesting Black Nationalism needs to be accepted.
  • Sharpsville massacre

    Sharpsville massacre
    Police fired at a crowd of black people, about 69 blacks were killed, and more than a 180 wounded in sharpsville
  • South Africa Declared a republic

    Requested to stay a member of the common wealth, it is rejected.
  • ANC develops umkhonto we sizwe ( Spear of the Nation)

    ANC develops umkhonto we sizwe ( Spear of the Nation)
    PAC and ANC turned to an armed resistance
  • Resolution 1598

    Condemns Apartheid
  • Resolution 1761

    Encourages members to seperate conformity with the charter to break trade and diplomatic relations with South Africa
  • The Rivonia Trial and Mandela’s “I Am Prepared to Die” speech

    The Rivonia Trial and Mandela’s “I Am Prepared to Die” speech
    Ten leaders of the African National Congress were tried for 221 acts of sabotage designed to overthrow the apartheid system. Nelson Mandela renounced his chance to be cross-examined in favour of a speech from the dock in which he condemned the court and the laws he was charged with breaking as being illegitimate.
  • The Rivonia Trial and Mandela’s “I Am Prepared to Die” speech

    Ten leaders of the African National Congress were tried for 221 acts of sabotage designed to overthrow the apartheid system. Nelson Mandela renounced his chance to be cross-examined in favour of a speech from the dock in which he condemned the court and the laws he was charged with breaking as being illegitimate.
  • The Formation of the african resistance movement

    The african resistance was a movement (ARM) was a group made up largely by white students who had been part of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS).
  • Formation of the African Resistance Movement (ARM) Bombing of Johannesburg Station by Frederick John Harris

    Formation of the African Resistance  Movement  (ARM)  Bombing of  Johannesburg  Station by  Frederick John  Harris
    The African Resistance Movement (ARM) was a group made up largely by white students who had been part of the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS).