
Anthem timeline

  • house of infants

    house of infants
    Equality 7-2521is born and sent to the house of infants. he resides in this home until he is 5 years of age.
  • home of students

    home of students
    He stays inthe home of students from 5-10 years of age
  • Burning of a man

    Burning of a man
    He witnessed a man burning for speaking the unspeakable words. 10 years of age
  • Street sweeper

    Street sweeper
    He was given the job of a street sweeper by the Coulcil of vocations. He was 10 years of age.
  • Commits the crime

    Commits the crime
    He finds the tunnel but does not report it. He was 17 yeas of age
  • Liberty 3-5000

    Liberty 3-5000
    He sees liberty 3-5000 for the first time, He is 19 years of age
  • electricity

    he descovers electrisity in his tunnel.
  • A New Name

    A New Name
    he gave liberty 3-5000 the scret name of "The Golden One" He give him the name of "The Unconquered"
  • Discovery

    He discovers light through electrisity. He "creates" it.
  • Gets Caught

    Gets Caught
    He forgets about the hour gladd and goes late to the council of homes. He refuses tot ell the council where he was so he gets sent t the palace or corrective detention. He was beat and questioned.
  • Escape

    He escaped the palace of corrective detention (he was only there for 30 days). he goes back to the tunnel
  • Home of Scholars

    Home of Scholars
    He leaves his tunnel to show the home of scholars his "glass box" , hoping to join them.
  • Forest living

    Forest living
    this is the day after the rejections from the house of scholars. It is also his first day in the forest.
  • lost and found

    lost and found
    The golden one finds him in the forest and chooses to stay with him. He is around 21 years of age
  • True love

    True love
    Writting about his time in the forest, Liberty says she loves him.
  • New home

    New home
    He finds an old house and decisd it will be his and libertys new home
  • I

    He descovers the word I by reading books in his home.
  • New identities

    New identities
    He renames lberty and himself...Liberties name is now Gaea and his is Pometheus
  • learning mind

    learning mind
    He descovers the word electricity and finds the engine that produces light in the house
  • Sacred word

    Sacred word
    He states that the sacred word is ego