
An Era of Progress

  • The Beginning of the Progressive Era

    The Beginning of the Progressive Era
    Believed to be the beginning of the era of progressive thinkers.
  • "The Man with a Hoe" is Published

    "The Man with a Hoe" is Published
    Edwin Markham wrote the famous poem "The Man with a Hoe" as a sympethetic piece towards farmers and workers in America. It was inspired by the workforce who worked long hours and were payed little for it.
  • Roosevelt Becomes President

    Roosevelt Becomes President
    After President McKinley's death, Theodore Roosevelt became president of the United States. His extreme attitude against tycoons made him a leading advocate for the workers, nature, and people living in America.
  • Ida Tarbell Publishes Series Against Rockefeller

    Ida Tarbell Publishes Series Against Rockefeller
    Tarbell investigated into Rockefeller's oil business and wrote a book to bring him down. It resulted in a break up in the company after and anti-trust suit 7 years later.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act Passed

    Pure Food and Drug Act Passed
    The act made sure food and drugs ahd to meet requirements set by the government.
  • White-Slave Traffic Act

    White-Slave Traffic Act
    Banned trafficing women for immoral purposes. Also had a few articles regarding prostitution.
  • Bread and Roses Strike

    Bread and Roses Strike
    The 1912 Lawrence Textile Strike led 25,000 strikers to turn against the textile companies after a law passed reducing the legal hours of a woman worker.
  • 16th Amendment Passes

    16th Amendment Passes
    The 16th amendment allowed the government to collect income taxes.
  • 17th Amendment Adopted

    17th Amendment Adopted
    17th amendment allowed citizens to directly elect Senators.
  • 19th Amendment Ratified

    19th Amendment Ratified
    Gave women the right to vote after decades of fighting for women's rights.