American Revolution

  • Treaty of paris

    Ended the American Revolution war.
    Ended 7 year war French and indian war
  • Proclamation of 1763

    No settlement to the west of the Appalachian mountains
  • Sugar Act 1764

    Tariff is imposed by British
  • Quartering Act

    To provide housing and food to British solders
  • Stamp act 1765

    Paper documents had to have a stamp and were being taxed
  • British troops arrive to Boston

    To calm political riots
  • Boston Massacre 1770

    Boston Massacre Troops kill 5 civilians
  • Tea Act 1773

    Company sells teas to colonies
  • Boston Tea Party

    Sons of liberty dump tea to the ocean
  • Continental congress

    Colonial delegates meet to organize intolerable acts
  • Battle starts 1775

    George Washington is appointed commander in Chief
    First major battle-Bunker hill
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    Conflicts started from 1765
  • Common Sense 1776

    Thomas Pain writes common sense
  • Declaration of Independence

    Continental Congress issues declaration of independence july 4
  • British Surrender at Saratoga

    Turning point in revolutionary point
  • Confederate articles first constitution 1776-1777

    Firts constitution written
  • Treaty of paris ending revolutionary war

    Officially ending war
  • Constitutional Convention

    American constitution is adopted
    But called to write a new constitution
  • NEW constitution 1789

    written by james madison, john jay, Alexander Hamilton.
    constitution went into effect
  • Firts president 1789

  • 1791 Bill of rights added

    Bill of rights added written by James Madison