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American revolution

  • End of the seven years war

    Prussia, saxony, and Austria signed a treaty to end the 7 years wars.
  • The acts

    The stamp act and the parliament enacts were made as well as the quartering act these were all to cut the cost of keeping British Troops in America.
  • Intolerable acts

    These were the final breaking point for the Bostonians this was when protesters in Boston started a boycott.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This was America making its self separate from Great Britain and saying why.
  • Yorktown

    Washington commanded 17,000 and began the siege and the battle of Yorktown against 9,000 British troops.
  • Treaty of Paris

    After many wars and battles Great Britain and the USA signed the treaty and the us was granted independence.
  • Constitution

    The constitution was established and was signed by the constitutional convention in Philadelphia.
  • The naturalization act

    To be a citizen you must be a free white person and be of good character