American Revolution

  • Treaty Of Paris 1763

    The treaty that ended French and Indian War. The French lost all there land in North America. The British gained the land to the Mississippi.
  • Pontiac Rebellion

    The rebellion led by chief Pontiac against British settlers out west.
  • Proclamation Line of 1763

    The British proclaim that no one is to live west of the Appalachian Mountains Cost to protect was to much
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act lowered the price to 3 pence for tax. The British strictly enforced it. Taxed molasses, sugar, coffee, wines, etc
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act required all colonist to purchase stamps, and stamp marks, from England on every piece of legal paper and other printed papers. Includes playing cards, wills, letters
  • The Quartering Act

    This says if a British soldier knocks on your door you have to give them a place to sleep, eat, etc
  • The Writs Of Assistance

    This is basically a search warrant so this means the British were able to search your house whenever they wanted
  • The Townshed act

    The last act was the British passed
  • Tea act

    The same night as the Boston massacre King George the third repealed most of the taxes but left tax on tea to show he is still in control.
  • Boston Massacre

    The Sons Of Liberty were assaulting British guards so they began to shoot and all the colonist were trying to blame the 5 deaths on the British.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party is when the Sons Of Liberty were upset that the British would not take back the tea act so they went onto the boats that held the tea and dumped it all into the sea
  • Coercive Acts

    These acts were just punishments for the acts of the Boston tea party. The acts were things like the port being shut down, new quartering act, and they could not hold more than one town meeting in a year without permission.
  • The First Continental Congress

    They created a militia and voted to band all trade with British.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord

    The battle was when Paul Revere and William Dawes went around telling everyone to prepare because the British were coming. NAd when the militia and British got there someone fired and started the battle no one knows who though.
  • Second Continental Congress

    The militia was raised to 20,000 soldiers and agreed to make it an official army with George Washington the general. They also authorized printing money to pay the soldiers.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Was a battle where minutemen attacked the British killing 1,000 almost half of the British solders. In the end the British still won
  • Olive Branch Petition

    Was a petition asking for peace from the colonist to England but it was denied. And the British send Germans soldiers.
  • Common Sense

    Was a short essay written by Thomas Paine which was meant to change minds about independence.
  • Deceleration of Independence

    the deceleration of independence was a piece of paper saying that all 13 colonies wanted independence from British.
  • Battle of Trenton

    The battle was on Christmas and it was a battle so general George Washington could convince his troops to sign another year.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    the battle was a turning point for the american because they won this battle against the British
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    This winter is where Washington and his men made camp and stayed for there whole winter. There 25% died because of diseases and american soldiers weren't prepared. But they also trained and got much better there for fighting.
  • Battle Of Yorktown

    George Washington sees this as golden opportunity and has french navy block General Cornwallis forcing him to surrender.
  • Treaty Of Paris

    It was signed kicking British out of american territories. It was the official end to the American Revolution.