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American History from 1876-1900

  • Telephone is invented

    Telephone is invented
    Alexander Graham Bell invents the very first telephone which changed America’s communication forever.
  • Colorado becomes a state

    Colorado becomes a state
    Colorado becomes a state and joins the U.S
  • Light bulb is invented

    Light bulb is invented
    Thomas Edison creates the light bulb which gave Americans a safer form of indoor lighting.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    The Dawes Act is passed which relocated the Native Americans and confiscated their land.
  • James Garfield becomes President

    James Garfield becomes President
    James A. Garfield becomes President of the United States.
  • National Geographic Society is founded

    National Geographic Society is founded
    The National Geographic Society is founded which was dedicated to exploring our planet.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    Several hundred Lakota Indians are killed by U.S troops. Over half of the Indians were women and children.
  • Explosion of the USS Maine

    Explosion of the USS Maine
    The USS Maine sinks in the Havana harbor, triggering the Spanish American War.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    The Treaty of Paris is signed which ended the American Revolution.