
Alssendro Volta (battery maker)

  • This is when Alessandro was born

    This is when Alessandro was born
    Alessandro Givseppeb Antonia Anastasia Volta was born in Como Lombardy Italy and his parents were Filippo Volta and Maria Maddalena Inzagh
  • Period: to

    The Timeline that will help you to understand Alessandro Volta's life

    Alessandro was the first person in the world to make a battery which is still used in these modern days although it has changed alot over the years!!!!!
  • Interesting fact

    Interesting fact
    Well one is that he didn't talk until he was 4, his parents thought he was Mentally disabled.
    He also invented the battery and volts were named after him. And he also was born in the same place as he died in.
  • what he did in...

    what he did in...
    he publishe 2 books after studying electricity.
  • what he did in...

    what he did in...
    he became professor of physics
  • What Alessandro did in....

    What Alessandro did in....
    he divised a device that produced static electricity!!
  • what he did in......

    what he did in......
    he studied the chemistry of gases, discovered methane.
  • what he did in...

    what he did in...
    He become professer at university of pavia.
  • What he did in...

    What he did in...
    he married Teresa Peregrini
  • other weird inventions volta

    other weird inventions volta
    The "animal electricity". when two different metals were connected in with frog's legs taped to one another. Volta realized that the frog's leg served as both a source of electricity. He replaced the frog's leg with brine-soaked paper, and found the flow of electricity.
  • This is when Alessandro invented his first battery

    This is when Alessandro invented his first battery
  • what he did in...

    what he did in...
    Volta retired in his estate in Camnago
  • this is when Alessandro died

    this is when Alessandro died
    he died in Como Lombardy Italy
  • Alessandros family

    Alessandros family
    He had a wife and 5 kids