
Alexandre Dumas

  • Early Life

    Early Life
    -born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie on July 24, 1802
    -he took the name Dumas when he enlisted in Napoleon's army
  • Writing Career

    Writing Career
    -moved to Paris
    -wrote plays, comedies, and dramas
    -prolific writer of essays, short stories, novels, plays, and tragedies
    -wrote The Count of Monte Cristo, The Three Musketeers, D'Artagan Romances, Twenty Years After, and The Vicomte Of Bragelonne:Ten Years Later
    -fled to Belgium in 1851, and later to Russia, to evade creditors
  • Personal Life

    Personal Life
    -Dumas had a son with Marie Laure Catherine, Alexandre
    -his son was interested in writing too
    -Dumas married an actress, named Ida Ferrier
    -Dumas was an adulterer
    -he had at least one daughter, Marie Alexandre
  • Death

    -buried in the cemetary of Villers-Cotterets
    -in 2002, body moved to the Pantheon in Paris
    -he rests there with other literary authors