Alexander Von Humboldt

By Da21285
  • Alexander Von Humboldts birth

    Alexander Von Humboldts birth
    Alexander was born by his parents on the 14 september 1769. In Berlin
  • Went to university of Frankfurt

    Went to university of Frankfurt
    Alexander von Humboldt went to the university of Franfurt.
  • Travling to South America

    Travling to South America
    They got to South America in 1799.
  • Leaving South America and going to Paris

    Leaving South America and going to Paris
    Alexander Von humboldt left South America after 5 years and went to Paris
  • Reaturned to berlin

    Reaturned to berlin
    From his long jounerny back from france.
  • Alexander Von Humboldt dies

    Alexander Von Humboldt dies
    Alexander Von Humboldt died in Berlin in 1859.