
Alexander The Great

  • 322

    Dies at Babylon in the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II

  • Period: 322 to 356

    Alexander the Great

  • 324

    Troops mutiny at Opis

  • 326

    Wins Battle of River Hydaspes against Porus

  • 327

    Marry Roxane; Begins march to India

    Married Roxane and had kids.
  • 331

    Founds Alexandria. Wins Battle of Gaugamela (Arbela) against Darius

    Marries Alexandria.
  • 332

    Wins siege of Tyre; Attacks Gaza, which falls

  • 333

    Wins Battle of Issus against Darius

  • 334

    Alexander wins Battle of the Granicus River against Darius III of Persia

  • 336

    Alexander becomes ruler of Macedonia

  • 356

    Alexander was Born

    Born to King Philip II and Olympias.
  • Alexander helps his father win the Battle of Chearonea.

  • Kills Black Cleitus for an insult at Samarkand