Albert Eistien


    Born in ulm,Germany
  • Sick

    Albert was sick in bed when his father showed his a compass and since then his love for science bloomed
  • Will you.....

    Will you.....
    Got married Mileva Maritsch in 1901. They had two sons, then got divorced. Einstein later married his cousin, Elsa Einstein.
  • Eurika

    Came up with E=mc2
  • Failure

    Einstien failed the ETH the first time trying to get in University of Zurich
  • Succsess

    Was awarded noble prize for inventing the quantum theory,and theory of relativity,And E=MC2
  • Atomic bomb

    Atomic bomb
    Germany made first atomic bomb and he said “Had I known that the Germans would not succeed in producing an atomic bomb, I would not have lifted a finger.”
  • Death of a legend

    Death of a legend
    Date of Death of Albert Einstien