Albert einstein5

Albert Einstein by Tyler Jacks and Coleman Leventhal

  • Birth

    he was born in Ulm, which is in southern Germany
  • Highschool Graduation

    Highschool Graduation
    graduated high school in Aarau, Switzerland
  • Swiss Citizen

    Swiss Citizen
  • First Marriage

    First Marriage
    married a girl named Mileva; however, they already had their first child in 1902
  • Ph.D

    earned his Ph.D in Physics by submitting a dissertation to the Univeristy of Zurich
  • Year of annus mirabilis

    Year of annus mirabilis
    annus mirabilis is Latin for "year of marvels"
  • The photoelectric effect

    The photoelectric effect
    He explained that the photoelectric effect occurs due to light coming in chunks of energy called quanta.
  • General Theory of Relativity

    General Theory of Relativity
    Einstein's paper on the General Theory of Relativity made him world-famous.
  • Nobel Prize

    Nobel Prize
    He received the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his paper on the photoelectric effect.
  • Einstein's travel to the US

    Einstein's travel to the US
    Einstein traveled to the United States to lecture at the California Institute of Technology
  • Death

    He died in Princeton on April 18, 1955