
Alabama History 1817-1820 (4th Grade)

  • Alabama became a territory

    Alabama became a territory
    Mississppi became a state and Alabama became a territory. In order for Alabama to become a state they had to write a constitution.
  • Steam Boat

    Steam Boat
    1st Steam Boat Built and launched1st steam boat was built in St. Stephens and launched on the Alabama River. This played an important role in the economics of Alabama.
  • William Wyatt Bibb

    William Wyatt Bibb
    William Wyatt Bibb Bibb was elected governor of Alabama in 1819. There where a large number of men in Alabama that provided leadership for the state.
  • Alabama Constitution of 1819

    Alabama Constitution of 1819
    The Alabama constitution was influenced by the United States Constitution and the Mississippi Constitution. The constitution was short and simple. It listed and defined the three seperate branched of government.
  • States' Rights

    States' Rights
    William Yancey Yancey led the North in their move for state rights.