
  • Oct 20, 1300

    Sea Coal

    Sea Coal
    King Edward I of England bans the burning of sea - coal in London because it causes air pollution; but the ban is unsuccessful.
  • The Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution brings about large-scale use of coal and intensified air and water pollution.
  • Banning Smoking

    Banning Smoking
    Milwaukee becomes the first American city to ban smoking on all public transportation.
  • Deadly Smog

    Deadly Smog
    In Donora, Pennsylvania, 7,000 people become ill and 20 die after severe air pollution from local manufacturing plants produces a deadly smog.
  • Pollutants Kill

    Pollutants Kill
    In London, at least 4,000 people die over the course of several days after pollutants from factories and fireplaces mix with air condensation.
  • Air Pollution Control Act

    Air Pollution Control Act
    Congress passes the Air Pollution Control Act of 1955, the first federal legislation dealing with air pollution. The act creates funding for air - pollution research.
  • Clean Air Act

    Clean Air Act
    Congress passes the Clean Air Act of 1963, the first federal legislation to focus on air - pollution control.
  • The Catalytic Converter

    The Catalytic Converter
    The catalytic converter, a device used to significantly cut auto emissions and reduce air pollution, is invented.
  • Pesticides Kill people

    Pesticides Kill people
    In Bhopal, India, 20,000 people die and 120,000 more are injured following a deadly methyl isocyanate leak from a Union Carbide pesticide plant.
  • Green House Gas Emissions

    Green House Gas Emissions
    California passes a landmark law requiring automakers to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from motor vehicles by 30 percent by 2016.