
  • Parvan's brother Hassim dies during a bombing.

    Parvan's brother Hassim dies during a bombing.
    estimated time
  • Period: to

    The Taliban and The Breadwinner

  • Parvana's dad gets arrested one night when the Taliban soldiers break into their house. Her mom becomes depressed and just layed in bed for days.

    Parvana's dad gets arrested one night when the Taliban soldiers break into their house. Her mom becomes depressed and just layed in bed for days.
    This is an estimated time.
  • The Taliban, under the leadership of Mullah Muhammad Omar, seize control of Kabul and implement strict interpretation of Islamic law.

    The Taliban, under the leadership of Mullah Muhammad Omar, seize control of Kabul and implement strict interpretation of Islamic law.
  • Parvan isn't in school anymore and her family is living in a one room apartment.

    Parvan isn't in school anymore and her family is living in a one room apartment.
    This is an estimated time.
  • Parvana went to the market and ran into Mrs.Weera who went back home with Parvana and helped get things back to the way they were.

    Parvana went to the market and ran into Mrs.Weera who went back home with Parvana and helped get things back to the way they were.
    Estimated time.
  • Everyone thinks it's a good idea for Parvana to become a boy so that she can make money at the market.

    Everyone thinks it's a good idea for Parvana to become a boy so that she can make money at the market.
    estimated time
  • Parvana decides to cut her hair and help her family earn money.

    Parvana decides to cut her hair and help her family earn money.
  • The taliban fail to capture the city of Mazar-i-Sharif.

    The taliban fail to capture the city of Mazar-i-Sharif.
  • The U.S launches missiles bin Laden bases in retaliation for the bombing of embassies in Africa.

    The U.S launches missiles bin Laden bases in retaliation for the bombing of embassies in Africa.
  • The Taliban take over the city of Bamian.

    The Taliban take over the city of Bamian.
  • The Taliban form an alliance with Ahmed Shah Massoud. Fighting breaks out again in July.

    The Taliban form an alliance with Ahmed Shah Massoud. Fighting breaks out again in July.
  • Period: to


  • The Taliban take Mazar-i-Sharif. Thousands of Shiites were executed.

    The Taliban take Mazar-i-Sharif. Thousands of Shiites were executed.
  • The U.N. imposes an air embargo and freezes Taliban assets in an attempt to force them to hand over bin Laden for trial.

    The U.N. imposes an air embargo and freezes Taliban assets in an attempt to force them to hand over bin Laden for trial.
  • Civil war pushes 200,000 more Afghans into refugee camps.

    Civil war pushes 200,000 more Afghans into refugee camps.