Adarsh Decades project, 1990 - 2000

  • Period: to

    1990s and 2000s decades

  • Hubble spaces telescope put in orbit

    Hubble spaces telescope put in orbit
    Hubble space telescope was put into orbit
  • Gulf war

    Gulf war
    The war at the Persian Gulf
  • Summer Olympics

    Summer Olympics
    The summer Olympics were hosted in Barcalona
  • Bill Clinton becomes president

    Bill Clinton becomes president
    Bill Clinton was promoted to president
  • Northridge earth quake

    Northridge earth quake
    An earth quake that killed 57 people
  • The Great Harshin earthquake

    The Great Harshin earthquake
    The Great Harshin earthquake kills 5000-6000 people
  • Cennetal Olympic park bombing

    Cennetal Olympic park bombing
    Cennetal Olympic park was bombed
  • One piece was created

    One piece was created
    The wold biggest anime and manga was released
  • Google was invented

    Google was invented
    The world wide used search engine Google was made.
  • The creation of the Euro

    The creation of the Euro
    The Europeans created euros
  • Hiley Clinton

    Hiley Clinton
    Hiley Clinton was the first woman to win public office
  • 9/11

    9/11 happened with the destruction of the twin towers
  • Final match of the 2002 world cup

    Final match of the 2002 world cup
    Brazil wins the final match against Germany in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.
  • Iraq war starts

    Iraq war starts
    America joined up with the United Kingdom and led forces into Iraq
  • Transite of Venus

    Transite of Venus
    The Transite of Venus happens in 2004
  • The hurricane katrina

    The hurricane katrina
    The hurricane katrina took 1,836 lives
  • Twitter was launched

    Twitter was launched
    Twitter which is now "x" was launched in 2006.
  • The I phone was made

    The I phone was made
    The I phone made by apple was launched
  • Barack Obama was elected

    Barack Obama was elected
    Barack Obama was elected 44th president
  • Two large earthquakes

    Two large earthquakes
    Two large earthquakes strike Somoa and American Somoa