Longest yard

Adam Sandler

  • birth

    Sandler was born in Brooklyn, New York to Judy, a nursery school teacher, and Stanley Sandler, an electrical engineer. He had a Jewish upbringing
  • saturday night live

    saturday night live
    Joined the cast of Saturday Night Live establishing the popular Gap Girls skit with Chris Farley and David Spade. He also brought his music, particularly the Hannukah Song and Lunch Lady Land, to light. he was at snl trough may 13 1995.
  • Billy Madison

    Billy Madison
    One of his breakout films. Sandler plays Billy Madison, the son of a wealthy man. Billy never completed school and enjoys his life as a slacker. Daddy is no longer willing to foot the bill and plays his trump card forcing Billy to complete school in record time or he forfeits the family business and money.
  • Happy Gilmore

    Happy Gilmore
    One of the best Sandler movies according to his fans. Contains the infamous fight scene with Bob Barker.
  • The Water Boy

    The Water Boy
    Takes the role of Bobby Boucher, a young man with a problem temper who serves as a football team's waterboy but is soon asked to join the team.
  • big daddy

    big daddy
    Plays Sonny Koufax, a slacker law student who tries to win his girlfriend by adopting a young boy.
  • Little Nicky

    Little Nicky
    Nicky is the offspring of the devil and an angel. He's come to earth to stop his brothers from wreaking havoc.
  • Mr deeds

    Mr deeds
    A sweet-natured, small-town guy inherits a controlling stake in a media conglomerate and begins to do business his way
  • Eight Crazy nights

    Eight Crazy nights
    Adam Sandler invites you to share some holiday cheer in the new, no-holds-barred musical comedy Adam Sandler's 8 Crazy Nights. Davey Stone, a 33-year old party animal, finds himself in trouble with the law after his wild ways go too far.
  • Longest Yard

    Longest Yard
    Its about a former NFL football player whos carrer is ended for shaving points. he then ends up in prision. Prison inmates form a football team to challenge the prison guards.