
Ada Lovelace

  • Birth

    Augusta Ada King-Noel was born to Lord Byron and Anne Isabella Byron, Baroness Byron.
  • Father

    Ada's father left England and never returned. Many thought he was mad. (crazy)
  • Education

    Ada Lovelace met Charles Babbage in 1833, and became interested in a model he had constructed of a mechanical device to compute values of quadratic functions, the Difference Engine.
  • Marriage

    Augusta Ada Byron married a William King (though not the same William King who had been her tutor) in 1835. In 1838 her husband became the first Earl of Lovelace, and Ada became countess of Lovelace.
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    Ada had three children in 1836, 1837, and 1839
  • Curious

    Ada studied Babbage's new engine, the Analytical Engine, which would use punched cards to "read" instructions and data for solving mathematical problems.
  • Diagnosis

    In January of 1852, Ada was diagnosed with uterine cancer.
  • Death

    Ada Lovelace dies of uterine cancer.