Abigail Adams' life

  • Abigail Smith Adams' birth in Braintree, Massachusetts

    Abigail Smith Adams' birth in Braintree, Massachusetts
  • Abigail had a baby girl, who she named, Nabby

    Abigail had a baby girl, who she named, Nabby
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
  • Abigail Adams was married to John Adams

    Abigail Adams was married to John Adams
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
  • Abigail Adams had a baby boy, who she named John Quincy, after her grandfather

    Abigail Adams had a baby boy, who she named John Quincy, after her grandfather
  • Abigail gave birth to a third child who she named, Susanna, who was small and sickly

    Abigail gave birth to a third child who she named, Susanna, who was small and sickly
  • Susanna shortly died after her first birthday

    Susanna shortly died after her first birthday
  • Abigail had a fourth baby, Charles

    Abigail had a fourth baby, Charles
  • Coercive (Intolerable) Acts started

    Coercive (Intolerable) Acts started
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
  • Abigail wrote " The only alternative which every American thinks of is Lierty or Death.'' This later became Patrick Henry's famous speech.

    Abigail wrote " The only alternative which every American thinks of is Lierty or Death.'' This later became Patrick Henry's famous speech.
  • George Washington became the head of the Continential Army

    George Washington became the head of the Continential Army
  • A servant, John's brother and Abigail's mother all died that autumn from diseases

    A servant, John's brother and Abigail's mother all died that autumn from diseases
  • The Declaration of Independence was approved

    The Declaration of Independence was approved
  • John Adams recieved the second-most votes and became vice president

    John Adams recieved the second-most votes and became vice president
  • Washington announced that he would not be president for three years in a row, so John became the president.

    Washington announced that he would not be president for three years in a row, so John became the president.
  • Abigail Adams died

    Abigail Adams died