A Period of Transition

  • Beginning of Cold War (1)

    FDR, Churchill, and Stalin meet at the YALTA confrence, where they can not come to any common ground. These men are known as the 'Big Three", and this marks the beginning of the Cold War.
  • The French vs Vietminh War (3)

    This was the first IndoChina War fought after World War II which included the use of Guerilla War tactics. The U.S. was in support of the French, while the U.S.S.R. was in favor of the Vietminh. The French’s goal was to gain full authority over the area of IndoChina.
  • Period: to

    The Second Red Scare (1)

    (This was commonly known as McCarthism during the Cold War. Communism was so feared in the United States that anyone thought to have communist ties would be arrested. People would falsly accuse others of communism to protect themselves. (January dates above are not valid, the exact days is not determined, only the years)
  • The Truman Doctrine (1)

    When greece and Turkey almost fell to communism, the US pumped money into these two countries to keep them from being overtaken by Communist governmental control. Later on, the US declared that they would provide money to any countries in need of military help, or any help for that matter.
  • Period: to

    Berlin Airlift and Blockade (1)

    Stalin sealed off access to Berlin, determined to force the US, UK, and France to leave the city. It was likely that the people in berlin would starve without help, so the US supplies them with food for 327 days. This was known as the Berlin Airlift because the US was able tp assist these people by dropping food and water from planes to keep these people alive.
  • NATO (1)

    The NATO was created by the United States and allies. This was meant to help protect the United States and all members involved in the NATO. The members of the NATO would come to the defense of other countries if they were attacked.
  • Soviet Union detonated their first Atomic bomb (1)

    This scared the US because they were further ahead in technology than we were at that point. They had bombs to use against the United States and we had nothing to match that. This resulted in a panic fest, and the US changed foreign policy in order to prevent falling to Communism.
  • North Korea Invades South Korea (1)

    South Korea was known as the Republic of Korea and they were democtatic. North Korea was known as te Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, and they were communist. This directly affected the US by threatening the spread of communism into north korea, so the US used military force to seperate North and South Korea.
  • The Geneva Conference 1954 (3)

    The main purpose of this Conference was to restore the peace in IndoChina which separated North and South Vietnam, where North Vietnam was communist and South Vietnam was democratic. The goal was to unify the two under one common government and allow the people of Vietnam to have a say.
  • The Warsaw Pact (1)

    This was the Soviet responce to the creation of the NATO. The Warsaw pact allined all of the eastern communist European countries. They would come to the defense of the allied countries if one of the members was attacked.
  • Suez Canal Crisis (1)

    Suez Crisis began with Israeli attack led by Moshe Dayan against Egyptian forces in the Sinai Egypt took control of Suez Canal. The US would get involved later when the Eisenhower doctrine was pronounced.
  • President Diem refuses to hold elections at Geneva (3)

    There were no protests from China or the U.S.S.R. and the U.S. supported Diem’s decision of not holding the election which caused the domino theory.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine (1)

    The Soviets were making private deals with Egypt to use the Suex canal, so the US made sure that the Suez canal was open for them as well so that they would not have an edge over us.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957 (2)

    This was the first civil rights legeslation since reconstruction. The intent of the law was to grant sufferage to blacks. This act was passed, however it was not enforced, ultimatly making it pointless because it would not be carried out.
  • Little Rock Nine (2)

    Little Rock was the first school in Kansas to be desegregated. Nine african americans were integrated into the high school where they faced a great deal of racism. Although unsuccessful, this event marked the beginning of integration in the south.
  • U-2 Incident (1)

    US U-2 plane was shot down after caught spying on the Soviet Union. This broke all trust that the two countries had for eachother. US believes they have the right to fly over cuba, however cuba does not agree whatsoever.
  • The Formation of the National Liberation Front (3)

    This group was formed by the Vietcong which was opposed by Diem and had tactics that defeated France. The U.S. then sent in military advisors to help strengthen Diem’s regime since most of Vietnam did not support Diem.
  • The Sit-ins movement (2)

    Blacks once again attempted to overcome racism and fight for their rights by using non violent resistance. They used the "Jail no bail" tactics where they would serve time in jail for committing crimes while trying to fight for their civil rights.
  • Bay of Pigs (1)

    A group of Cuban exiles, mostly from the Florida area, invades cuba at the bay of pigs in an attempt to remove Castro from govenment. Unfortunatly, this plan was not successful.
  • Freedom Rides (2)

    Blacks would ride busses from the north into the south to test if Civil rights for blacks were being enforced in the south. The goals of the freedom rides were to bring the movement to the deep south and confront resistance to desegregation. This was successful in the upper south, but vilence and police actions limmited success in the deep south.
  • 24th Amendment (2)

    This amendment outlawed poll taxes in federal elections. At the time of passage, only 5 states still had poll taxes. 38 states were needed to ratify this amendment, and only 4 ratified it after it went into effect. To this day, 7 states have yet to ratify it.
  • Birmingham Campaign (2)

    The birmingham campaign began in the fall of 1962 and was organized by the SCLC. It followed the model of Montgomery Boycott. It was initially unsuccessful because of police resistance and the lack of local support, however the event was widly televised which gained public support.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis (1)

    Soviet Union decides they are going to use Cuba as a Missile base. This threatens the United States a great deal because Cuba is so close to the United States, threatening our national Security. The president demanded the Soviet Union remove the missiles or there would be violent consequences. Later, the Missiles were removed, prevending a nuclear war.
  • March on Washington (2)

    250,000 people gathered on National Mall. Protesters demanded desegregation of Federal facilities and equal access to jobs and opertunities. This event was widely televised and had support from many famous americans.
  • Malcom X broke with Nation of Islam(2)

    Malcom X felt that the Nation of Islam was promoting violence and he was concerned that they were focusing more on black nationalism instead of gaining their civil rights.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964 (2)

    This act was proposed by Kennedy in June of 1963. It was pushed through congress by president Johnson after kennedys death. The goals of this act were to ban descrimination against employment, increase protection of sufferage and to speed up school desegregation. This act also aided in the creation of the Equal Opportunity commission (EEOC).
  • Gulf of Tonkin Incident (3)

    Here, our ships were fired on which created damage and strengthened our efforts to stop the spread of Communism and to make sure the U.S. remains the hegemonic power. This is the main event that enhances our involvement in Vietnam so now the U.S. is fully involved in the war.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965 (2)

    This event occurred in the year of 1965. It was introduced and promoted by Johnson. This act outlawed literacy tests needed to qualify for voting, outlawed denying vote based on race, amd established federal oversight of elections.
  • The Tiger and the Elephant “Living Room War” (3)

    This was broadcasted on television for all the Americans to see what was going on in Vietnam which embarrasses the U.S. military. The goal of this was to unite Vietnam under a single government which was supported by China and the U.S.S.R.
  • Selma to Motgomery March (2)

    This event occured on March 7th, 9th, and 21st. It was a 54 mile march after efforts were made to block blacks from registering to vote. March 7th was known as bloody sunday where they televised the beatings of many blacks. This shifted the national opinion and segregation became known as state terrorism. This was when the voting rights act was introduced to congress.
  • Civil Rights act of 1968 (2)

    This event occured in the year of 1968. This was the final civil rights act during the civil rights movement. It prohibited descrimination in housing, which banned the refusal to sell someone a house based on their color.
  • The Tet Offensive (3)

    This was when 84,000 communist forces seized hundreds of towns and cities in order to try to spread communism. This was the event that caused Americans back home highly criticise the war and the popularity of President Johnston and the war declined.
  • Kerner Commission Report (2)

    This was Created by Johnson to study the riots from 1964-1967, and was released a month before the death of Martin Luther King Jr. The possible outcomes were: to create two different societies white and black), work to improve all aspects of life, or end segregation.
  • Assasination of Martin Luther King Jr. (2)

    On this day, Martin Luther King Jr. was assasinated, proving that the racism in the United States was far from over. He was activly involved in many organizations working towards black civil rights, therefore, this was a huge blow to the black population because they lost such an influential figure.
  • Election of 1968 (3)

    This was an open election that focused primarily on whether America was on the right track or not and how the Vietnam War would be handled along with the increasingly visible counter culture. Nixon wins this election and puts in place New Federalism which gives more power to the state and local governments.
  • US landed on the Moon (1)

    Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and successfully completed mission Appolo 11. This showed that the US had the best technology during the cold war because the United States won the space race, which proved technological superiority over the Soviet Union.
  • My Lai Massacre (3)

    This was an attack reported to the American public which showed that U.S. forces had murdered 504 unarmed Vietnamese villagers. The reason for this was due to all the frustration they had about the losses from the snipers, eventually all the soldiers included in this crime were later arrested.
  • Nixons Plan (3)

    Nixons Plan secretly ordered the bombing and invasion of Cambodia since that is where the Vietcong were coming from. Nixon knew that the Vietnamese did not expect him to expand war so he did this to show that the U.S. still had the power and that the U.S. was not backing down.
  • America Reactivated the Draft (3)

    This was another draft that had to be done since so many were starting to fight against the war in Vietnam they had to use the draft in order to send more troops over to help our country.
  • Might of America (3)

    This was when the U.S. reactivated the draft so based off a lottery-based system where the average age of men drafted was twenty-two unlike World War II when the average age was much older.
  • Kent State Massacre (3)

    This massacre was from the military and police opening fire on the civilians which killed about 10 people. The purpose of these college kids was to protest against the Vietnam War because they believed it was pointless and all the troops should be sent back home.
  • Swann vs. Charlotte-Macklenberg (2)

    This case occurred in 1971 to comply with Brown vs. Board. School officials would bus students to integrated schools. White students would be bussed to inner cities and blacks would be bussed to the country side. Later on, Boston copied the practice in 1974 when schools began bussing students to integrated schools. This caused riots and walk outs.
  • Pentagon Papers – June 18,1971 (3)

    These were released to the public as soon as they were found which released secret documents that exposed President Johnsons plans to widen the war. This showed every administration since Truman had lied about the U.S. and their actions along with the goals in the Vietnam war.
  • The Marshall Plan (1)

    This was an extension of the trunan doctrine and declared that any country in need of aid should hold free elections and have self government. The US also declared that they would provide aid to anyone willing to do so, which would help to contain communism. The date listed is the date that the Marshall plan was finally declared, however it was in the makings for about 4 years.
  • US signed “An agreement on Ending of War and Restoring Peace in Vietnam” (3)

    This was created in order to have a cease-fire that would show the U.S. never lost. The U.S. troops withdrew in 60 days and the South Vietnamese self determination was assured as well as the 17th parallel was set in order to keep North and South Vietnam separated.