Explorer - Aracely

By jbyler
  • Louis Jolliet was born

    Louis Jolliet was born
    Louis Jolliet was born in 1645
  • Jolliet starts exploring

    Louis joined his brothers to explore
  • a brother been vanished

    the french governor told the big brother to find copper unfortunaly he didn't find any and while sailing home he vanished and he was never heard of again
  • first exploration

    in 1672 the governor chose Louis to lead an expedition to search for the missisipi river
  • jolliet returns

    Louis returns from his expedition
  • second expedition

    louis went back to missisipi but first he traveled through whats now Winsconsin as Jolliet padle down to missisipi he realized that the river flowed south not west
  • reward

    Louis got a reward for his services
  • hydrographs

    from 1678-1694 on many expeditions jolliet made many hydrographs or maps of navigable waters
  • present day labrador

    jolliet explored the coast of present day labrador
  • a king in quebec

    louis was appointed hydrographer of the king with headquarters in Quebec
  • jolliet dies

    louis jolliet died in 1700 what read didn't say why he died