Rose, Martin Luther King jr.

  • M.L.K. jr. is born

    M.L.K. jr. is born
    M.L.K. jr is born
  • Rosa Parks is arrested

    Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a bus which inspired King to get involved in the civil rights movement
  • Hatred

    Martin had a bomb thrown into his house
  • the march on washington

    the march on washington
    Martin was a leader in the march on washington and had a speech there
  • Bloody Sunday

    Bloody Sunday
    Police mob a croud of black Americans
  • king sits with president Lyndon Johnson

    king sits with president Lyndon Johnson
    king sits and talks with president Lyndon Johnson
  • Against Vietnam

    Martin gave a sermon against the Vietnamese
  • Martin died

    Martin died
    He died April 4 1968, he was assassinated.
  • Honored after death

    Martin recieved the presidential medal of freedom after his death
  • Martin Luther King day

    Martin Luther King day is established