WWII Timeline

  • Period: to

    WWII Timeline

  • Gremany Invades Poland

    This event led to the start of World War II. The whole Polish army was defeated by Hitler in a short amount of weeks. Warsaw then surrendered to Hitler on September 27, 1939.
  • Peace Demonstration at South Park

    Thousands of persons of all faiths, attending the county fair, joined in a peace demonstration as Great Britain declared war on Nazi Germany. This event was crowded with many people
  • France surrender to Germany

    After attcking France and conquering Luxembourg, Belgium, and the Nethrlands, France surrendered. Then, Britain helped evacuate France before Hitler could quer more French.
  • Highland Park Zoo Redone.

    On June 28th, 1940, the Highland Park Zoo was reopened. The zoo had been completly redone.
  • Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor

    An attack meant to weaken the American Navy, the Japanese did just that. They sunk 8 battleships, 161 planes, and they severely damaged or sank 18 ships.
  • Pittsburgh Shocked

    Shocked from the attack on Pearl Harbor, Pittsburgh citizens awaited the newest news from the president. This message was given from President FDR.
  • The Battle of Midway

    This battle was fought between the Japanese and the United States on the Pacific. The Japanese goal was to capture and destroy the U.S. Fleet. Taking this further, however, the U.S. Pacific Fleet surprised the Japanese sinking four carriers. these are the carriers that attacked Pearl Harbor. Only one carrier was lost for the U.S.
  • Pittsburgh Practices First Blackout

    On June 8th, 1942, Pittsburgh practiced its first blackout. The reason for this was that if we were to be bombed, there would be no electricity.
  • The Battle of Stalingrad

    This battle was the first significant victory for Russia. During the six month battle, approximately 1.5 million people were killed. In addition, this was the first major defeat for Germany.
  • United Steel Workers' wage increase by War Labor Board

    United Steel Workers' wage policy committee, at William Penn Hotel. They agreed on a 44-cents-a-day wage increase approved by the War Labor Board to employees of "Little Steel" firms.
  • D-Day

    This day was the day that the Allies invaded Europe to take control away from Germany. Changing history, this made the voctory over Europe unavoidable.
  • East Pittsburgh Plant

    In a huge rally outside of the East Pittsburgh Plant, 20,000 employees of Westinghouse confirmed a no-strike pledge for as long as the war lasted.
  • War Contributions.

    After completeing a survey, it showed that war contracts completed to date or in the process in Pittsburgh totaled $903,398,644. Of that, $322,000,000 of it was delivered to the war.
  • Allies Liberate (Free) Paris

    This freed Parisians from four years of German rule. The Germans then surrendered shortly after because of this liberation
  • Heavy Snowfall in Pittsburgh

    On this day, many downtown Christmas shoppers were stuck in a 15-inch snowfall. Schools, mills, and other activities were closed for 2 days.
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    This battle was fought between Nazi Germany and primarily Americans. It was mainly fought to break up the alliances. It was named Battle of the Bulge because the Germans created a bulge on the front line of the Allies.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Fought between the U.S. and Japan, they fought for this island to gain air and sea blockades, control air bombardement, and to destroy enemy naval and air opportunities. This fight lasted 36 days
  • 100th Anniversary

    The city marked the 100th anniversary of its great fire of 1845 They celebrated with a with a parade in downtown Pittsburgh.
  • FDR Dies, Truman Becomes President

    President Franklin D. Roosevelt died from a cerebral hemorrage in Georgia. Franklin was on his fourth term of presidency ,but this role was taken over by vice-president Harry S. Truman.
  • Pittsburgh Mourns Over FDR

    The city, county governments, businesses, schools, and all other activities were put to a hault, many churches held prayer services, and Mayor Scully requested that all amusement places to close in respect to the death of FDR
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler commited suicide by swallowing a cyanide capsule and shooting himself in the head. He killed himself in an underground bunker in Berlin
  • VE Day

    This day stands for Victory in Europe Day. This day was the day that Germany surrendered to the Allies. the surrender was signed at Riems on May 7 and Berlin on May 8.
  • Pennsylvania College for Womens to Succeed

    Dr. Paul R. Anderson, dean of Lawrence College in Appleton was elected president of Pennsylvania College for Women to Succeed.
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima

    Being an important military center, the U.S. dropped the uranium bomb "Little Boy" on Hiroshima. The 9,700 pound bomb killed approximately 70,00 people.
  • Atomic Bomb Dropped on Nagasaki

    This plutonium bomb named "Fat Man" was originally supposed to hit the city of Kokura. However, after fuel complications and other mishaps they quickly decided that instead of letting the bomb go to waste, they would drop it on Nagasaki.
  • Russians Come to Pittsburgh

    Russian labor leaders come to Pittsburgh to view our steel mills. This is for business and production.
  • VJ Day

    This day was the day that Japan surrendered to the Allies thusfore ending World War II. The picture to the left is worldly known for being taken on VJ Day
  • Pittsburgh Celebrates Japans Surrendering

    Pittsburgh was so happy and joyful that Japan surrendered and the war had ended. There were a lot of celebration all over the city of Pittsburgh.
  • Workers Laid Off

    The city of Pittburgh's industries laid off 7000 workers as the first cancellation of a war contract went into effect. This left many citizens of Pittsburgh having trouble to pay bills.