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Cell Theory

By aishaa
  • 330

    Aristotle's Contribution

    Aristotle's Contribution
    Aristotle's major biological works, including On the Generation of Animals, raised fundamental questions about reproduction, development, and heredity. By recognizing the value of studying organisms , Aristotle started an approach to philosophy and biology.
  • Discovery of "cells"

    Discovery of "cells"
    English Scientist and Microscopist Robert Hooke saw a honeycomb-like section of cellulae (Latin for little storage rooms) in a cork slice using his compound microscope.
  • Redi's Experiment

    Redi's Experiment
    Francesco Redi, an Italian physician, did an experiment to determine if rotting meat turned into flies. He found that meat cannot turn into flies and only flies could make more flies.This was an important experiment because it helped to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation.
  • Mattias Schleiden

    Mattias Schleiden
    Schleiden was a German scientist who was one of the first to recognize the importance in the cell's nucleus. He stated that the different parts of plants are composed of cells. He was also the co-founder of the cell-division theory.
  • Theodore Schwann

    Theodore Schwann
    Schwann made many advances, particularily in the area of the cytoplasm in the plant cell. He discovered its jelly like substance, he also saw that the cytoplasm of an animal cell is completely different and that it serves a different purpose. He also discovered that new plant cells cp\ome from the nucleus of old cells
  • Rudolf Virchow

    Rudolf Virchow
    Known as the "Father of Pathology"- Virchow showed in experiments that bone cells could develop from cartilage cells. He also made microscopic observations o dividing cells from multi-celluar organisms. He concluded that cells divide to produce more cells.
  • Creation of Germ Theory

    Creation of Germ Theory
    A French chemist and a microbiologist. Louis Pasteur greatly contributed to spontaneous generation by creating the "germ theory" he performed a series of experiments leading to the findings of the cures for diseases such as puerperal fever, rabies and anthrax. Invented pasteurization (sterilization by heat)
  • Modern Cell Theory

    Modern Cell Theory
    The Cell theory states that:
    1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells.
    2. The cell is the smallest functional unit of life.
    3. All cells are produced from other cells.