jhon smith
a adventureous explorer mapmaker and solder who founded james town -
james town
the first settlement made by john smith -
indetured servant
people who work there way to the colonys for companys in england -
left england because of religous prosicution -
protistants who wanted to purify the church -
a nations power held in there stock of precious metals -
bacons rebelion
the indetured servants strugle for land they said was theres -
Glorious revolution
the bloodless revolution where the protestants removed king james from power and replaced him wiht his daughter and her husband -
great awakening
a series of religous revilations in the british colonys -
a revlution of ideas where people broke away fromt he chuch idea of thinking to more scientfic thinking -
stamp act
taxes on paper goods -
sugar act
taxed on sugar and mollases -
quartering act
colonist have to house feed and supply british soliders -
townshed act
taxes on tea glass lead and dye -
boston massacre
riot in boston between brtich soliders and colonists -
thomas paine
wrote the comense sense pamphlet -
john locke
the man you created the idea of natural rights among man -
Boston tea party
colonist throwing tea from british ships in to boston harbor -
articles of confederation
americas first try ata goverment -
shays rebelion
a group of farmers who nearly took over massachucets -
constitunoal convention
a group of delgates from each state gathering in pensisilvania to from a new goverment -
great compromise
virgina plan wanted a bicameral goverment and votes by population
new jersey plan unicameral house and one vote per state
comprmised by votes both by population and 2 votes in the senate per state -
northern economy
an industrial econmy of the northern states based primarily on textile factorys -
southern econmy
pirmairly agricultural which all work was done by slaves -
transportaion revolution
the the use of steam boats to transport goods and a the use of trains to transport goos a people -
slave system
the use of africans as salves as cheap labor mainly in southern states -
industrial revolution
the use of mechanical equipment to make goods and on farms -
john marshall/ judical review
the man who created judical review which balenced the 3 brances of goverment -
louisiana purchase
thomas jefferson wanted to increase the size of the us so he purchase terretory from france by sending james monroe to france to negotiate a deal -
lewis and clark
the expedition to explore the louisiana territory recently accuiquerd -
homestead act
goverment gave 160 acres of land to settelers moving west that would live there for 5 years and cultivate the land -
pacific railway act
goverment gave railway companys land to construct railways across the country -
bessemer process
blasting hpt air threw molten iron to remove any impuitys before it becomes steel -
edwin l drake
the man who used steam engine drills to dig for oil in pennselvania -
transcontinental railway
the rail way that connected the west and east coast of the u.s -
increase of use of electricity began with thomas alva edison when he invented the light bulp as a replacment for oil based lamp -
the use of of telegraph and telephone to send messages and communicate cross country -
journalists who expose corrupt goverment officals -
political corruption took from public funds for them self -
political machines
politicans who whould be electied by gaining the trust of immigrants and poor people to get them selfs and who ever they wanted to be elected along side them to run entire districts of citys if not the whole thing -
triangle shindwaist factoring fire
social gospel movement
the idea that organized relgion would hold so stand in american society -
the era were america started to become a major power in the world -
making all immagrants coming into america speak english and become as american as they can be -
upton sinclair the jungle
exsposed the horrible condiotions in the meat packing industry and bad working conditons -
safe food and drug act
prohibited the use of any chemicals in food or drugs that could be harmful for human consumption -
meat inspection act
made the meat industry reform there packing methods and conditions on how they store transport and process all meat in there factorys -
prohibiting the making selling and consumption of any and all alchohalic beverages