US history

  • Aug 30, 1534


    protestants who wished to "purify" the Anglican Church of all Catholic rituals and traditions.
  • john smith

    a adventurous explorer, mapmaker, and soldier.
  • jamestown

    english settlers some (100 men) came to virginia . they chose a location near one of the river s along chesapeake bay. first attempt failed but john smith came back and tried agian.
  • pilgrims

    men and women aboard the Mayflower and reached Cape Cod Bay. near there they founded the colony of plymouth.
  • mercantilism

    the founding of the restoration colonies was driven by the crowns faith in the economic policy.mercantilists held that a nation's power was a product of wealth, and a nation's wealth was measured by its stock of precious metals.
  • Bacons Rebellion

    well-connected young planter raised and army of western settlers and attacked American Indians on the frontier.
    the rebels also seized and burned Jamestown and briefly took over the government.
  • glorious revolution

    the protesant opposition staged a bloodless rebellion.
  • great awakening

    some people longed for more than reason. they found it in a series of religious revivals.
  • enlightenment

    a revolution in ideas. enlightenment thinkers emphasized human reason as the key to improving society.
  • proclamiation of 1763

    indian uprising convinced British authorities that although they had gined military control of the frontier, they could not effectively protect British settlers.
  • stamp act

    this act imposed a duty (ir unoirt tax) on foreign sugar, molasses, and several other items entering Great Britian's American colonies.
  • quartering act

    New York's colonial assembly responded by refusing to provide money to quarter, or house and supply troops.
  • sugar act

    far more sweeping that the sugar act, the stamp act placed a tax on printed matter of all kinds: advertisements, diplomas,legal documents,newspapers, and playing cards.
  • townshed act

    this law placed import duties on such common items as tea, lead, glass, and dyes for paint.
  • boston massacre

    and angry crowd gathered outside a customs house the crowd started calling names and throwing rocks and sticks.
  • Boston tea party

    colonists were outraged, they rioted and stoped buying English goods. dumped all tea in the ocean.
  • articles of confederations

    -the articles sucked because each state got 1 vote PER STATE even though many states were bigger.
    -the government could borrow and coin their own money
    -the government could not force people to pay taxes.
  • Virginia Plan

    shifted political power from the states to the central government.
  • New Jersey plan

    provided a stronge unicameral, or one house legislature in which each state would have one vote.
  • Great Compromise

    granted each state, regardless of size, an equal voice in the upper house.
  • federalists

    group who favored ratifacation. (wealthy ,merchants, planters, and lawyers.)
  • antifederalists

    group who feared a powerful national government
  • Bill of Rights

    guarantees U.S. citizens specific rights such as: freedom of speech, religion, and the press.
  • john marshall J

    -leglislative:can check on judicial powers.
    -judicial: makes everyone equal, balances the executive
    executive:can check up on judicial powers.
  • shay's rebellion

    -farmers land was taken away.
    -shay formed a alliance with farmers and started a rebellion.
    -almost took over a town but couldnt get into a weapon invetory, after the incedient shay was never to be found.
  • consitutional convention

    it strengthens the government and was scheduled to begin in Philadelphia on May 14,1787
  • lewis and clark

    -traveled united states in search for new countries.
    -left St. Lewis in a NW direction.
    -encountered indians who helped lewis and clark through there journy.
  • transportation revolution

    -canals were the first part of transportation
    -steamboats:carried heavy loads upstream.
    -market revolution:increases farmer's and manufactures' profits
  • indentured servants

    worked to pay off the debt for the travel cost.
  • louisiana purchase

    -expanded united states
    -$15 million for louisiana 4 cents per acre
    -thomas jefferson was president
    -bought louisiana from napolean (from france)