Fly guy

fly guy

By nicks
  • Time toast

    Time toast
    This is my term 3 time toast I hope you enjoy it .
  • Pugwash Aloft

    Pugwash Aloft
    In this book captin Pug wash loves to sing. while they are singing the ship gets attacked read to find out more.
  • Fly guy

    Fly guy
    In this book a boy called Buzz finds a fly that can say buzz. The boy takes the fly home and names him Fly guy.
  • Jungle drums

    Jungle drums
    This book is about a little worthog that wants to be big and strong like the other worthgs then he plays drums and makes a wish to have what other animals have like stipes a trunk or a long neck but it all goes wrong read to find out more.
  • Geronimo Stilton and the kingdon of fantasy

    Geronimo Stilton and the kingdon of fantasy
    This book is great to read. Its about a mouse cad Geronimo he finds a music box in his attic. he touches the music box and gets teleported to the kingdom of fantasy. read to find out more.