Index 2

Morse code

  • Period: to

    Morse code

  • lets commuicate

    lets commuicate
    This a soldier commuicating his family using the morse code
  • samuel morse

    samuel morse
    this is a picture of samuel morse a couple years before he made the morse code in 1950s
  • fist model of the morse code machine

    fist model of the morse code machine
    this is the the fist modelm of the morse code machine made in the 1890s
  • Period: to

    New version of morse code

    2010 I phone
  • morse code alphabet

    morse code alphabet
    this the orginal morse code alphabet in 1870
  • samuel morse old

    samuel morse old
    this samuel describ9ng the morse code
  • machine

    this is the new model of the morse code machine
  • cell phone

    cell phone
    one o the many things morse code turned into
  • morse code watch

    morse code watch
    this is a watch that you can commuicate by morse code by using buttons
  • i phone

    i phone
    the newest thing the morse code became but using texting.
  • navy morse code

    navy morse code
    thhis the code the navy use to commuicate with people