Cold War

  • Mao Zedong takes control of China

    He established the Chinese Communist Party. He took over China by military force and inspired Communist movements all around the world. He was one of the most influential politcal and military leaders of the twentieth century.
  • Korean War

    The Korean War started when North Korea invaded South Korea, suddenly putting the Cold War into motion. The conflict continued for more than 3 years. It finally ended 1953 with negotiations between the two countries.
  • Vietnam War

    Began as an attempt from Communist guerrillas in the South, who were backed by Communist North Korea, to overthrow the government in South Vietnam. The U.S. and 40 other countires supported South Vietnam by sending supplies and troops.
  • Fidel Castro takes over Cuba

    It was the first Communist state in the Western Hemisphere. He took over Cuba mainly by military force, and he couldn't have taken over if it weren't for the military. Cuba is still a Communist state today, and one of the last ones in the world.
  • Soviet invasion of Hungary

    The Soviets invaded Hungary as a response to the Hungarian Prime Minister's promise that people will have independence and freedom. The Prime Minister, Imre Nagy, was very anti-Soviet. He withdrew fromt he Warsaw Pact, which greatly angered the Soviet government.
  • Bay of Pigs invasion

    The Bay of Pigs invasion was an attempt by Cuban exiles to overthrow the Fidel Castro-ran government. The exiles were supported by the United States, but were unsuccessful in their attempt to remove Castro from power.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Soviet Union was desperate to have missiles that could actually reach the United States. They proposed placesment of intermediate-range missiles in Cuba, just in case the United States invaded Cuba. The Cuban Missile Crisis was the closest anybody has ever came to a nuclear war.
  • Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    Czechoslovakia rejected the Soviet Union's for more military integreation within the Warsaw Pact, just like Romania. They were more focused on strategizing with the Warsaw Pact's non-Soviet members. There were changes within the Czechoslovikian governnment that threatened the Soviets, so they invaded.
  • Nixon visits China

    President Nixon felt that something needing to be done about the relationship between the United States and China, so he visited the country to talk with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. They talked about issues such as Taiwan and diplomatic relations.
  • SALT Treaty talks

    The main goal of SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) talks was to put limits on offensive weapons systems. The U.S. wanted to provide equal numbers of weapons for countries.
  • Revolution in Iran

    The Iranian Revolution involved Muslim leaders and religion.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    This invasion was widely regarded as an unprovoked invasion of a soverign country by another.
  • Iran/Iraq War

    The Iran/Iraq war lasted from 1980 to about 1988. It strained political, social, and economic lives. It also destabalzied the region and strained the relationship between both countries.
  • Civil War in Nicaragua

    The Civil War in Nicaragua lasted from 1981 to 1989 and was fought between the Contras (U.S. - backed) and the Sandinista government.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev takes control of USSR

    Mikhail Gorbachev is the main person who ended the Cold War. He reintroduced democy and ended central control of the economy. While all this helped, his reforms broke apart and the Soviet Union crumbled in 1991.
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    With the fall of the Berlin Wall, Eastern and Western Germany were brought together as one nation. It is widely regarded as the symbol of the end of the Cold War, and the spread of democracy throughout Europe.
  • Soviet Union falls apart

    In December of 1991, the Soviet Union fell apart into 15 different countries. The West saw it as a victory for freedom and democracy, and the downfall of their biggest enemy since WWII.