The Cold War

  • Mao Zedong takes control of China

    • His victory helped U.S. anti-Communist feelings.
    • China , the Nationalists , the Communtists .
  • • Korean War

    • North korea invaded South korea
    • North & South Korea .
  • Soviet Invasion of Hungary

    • A Budapest student rally in support of Polish efforts to win autonomy from the Soviet Union sparked mass demonstrations. The police attacked, and the demonstrators fought back, tearing down symbols of Soviet domination and HWP rule, sacking the party newspaper's offices and shouting in favor of free elections, national independence, and the return of Imre Nagy to power.
    • Soviet Union & Hungary
  • Fidel Castro Takes Over Cuba

    • No one liked Fulgencio Batista . Cuban resentment led to a popular revolution, which overthrew him in January which led to Fidel leading the Cuban Revoloution .
    • Fulgenio Batista , Fidel Castro
  • Vietnam War

    • Vietnam was a French colony until after WW2. Thats when Vietnam signed a treaty called the S.E.A.T.O treaty, which separated a north from the South. The north being the communist and the south being the democratic. The U.S. went in to try to stop the Communism from spreading to other countries. Thats when the U.S. sent weapons to the south to help protect them from rebels. Thats when the two sides started to clash.
    • Vietnam , US , South Korea , Soviet Union .
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    • The Bay of Pigs invasion was intended to provoke popularity for an uprising against Fidel Castro, who had overthrown American-backed dictator Fulgencio Batista. Instead, it gave Castro a military victory and a permanent symbol of Cuban resistance to American aggression.
    • Fidel Castro , US
  • Soviet Invasion of Czechoslovakia

    -Moscow felt challenged because of the Warsaw Pact . -Moscow , Czechoslovakia , Poland , East Germany , Hungary , Bulgaria .
  • • Nixon Visits China

    • He visited China to open trade again .
    • China & US
  • Civil War in Nicaragua

    • Communitst Sandinista rebels toppled the dictatorship of Somoza's son .
    • Nicaragua , US , Soviet Union .
  • • Iran/Iraq War

    • Territorial disputes between Iran & Iraq
    • Iran & Iraq
  • Mikhail Gorbachev takes control of USSR

    • Gorbachev first came to power when he was became General Secretary of the Communist Part of the Soviet Union in 1985.
    • Soviet Union
  • Soviet Union Falls Apart

    • Failed attempts at reform, a stagnant economy, and war in Afghanistan led to the collapse .
    • Soviet Union
  • Fall of the Berlin Wall

    • It fell because East and West Germany were being reuntied after years of separation by the Berlin wall. It went up as a symbol of divided Germany and fell down showing that Germany was reunited and that a wall was not needed to separate the people any longer. The wall fell in 1989.
    • Germany ,
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    • In late April 1962, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev conceived the idea of placing intermediate-range missiles in Cuba. A deployment in Cuba would double the Soviet strategic arsenal and provide a real deterrent to a potential U.S. attack against the Soviet Union.