Iraq's Gassing the Kurds - 1988

  • Legue of Nations

    Legue of Nations give Britain the mandate to oversee Kurdistan.
  • Kurdistan searches for atonomy

    From their formation in 1920 Iraq and Kurdistan had several different leaders each trying to loosen the controll of the British and form Kingdoms or governments of their own. this would give the people of Kurdistan a nation but perhaps with unruley leaders.
  • The Hashimite Monarchy is overthrown

    Britain loses influencial and imperial power in Iraq leaving the Kurd's fate in the hands of the less then democratic Arab national Government. The regimes refused to acknowledge the rights of the Kurdish people
  • Barzani revolts against Qasim

    Barzani head head of KDP attacks an Iraq army column with a group of Kurds ambushing the column because Qasim planned to not carry out his promise of regional autonomy sparking the Iran-Iraq war.
  • Kurds and Iraq at War

    The Kurds were in a struggle for automony and went to war with Iraq in 1961
  • Kurdish Revolt began

    An Iraq Army column was ambushed by a group of Kurds
  • Iraqi and Kurds have war

    On 10 June 1963, the Iraqi military engaged a vicious campaign against the Kurds. The Kurds had been fighting for freedom from Bagdads rule and wanted a share in the oil that Iraq was selling. They also wanted Arab troops in Kurdistan removed from the northern region of Iraq.
  • Iraq & Kurdistan autonomy Agreement

    Through an agreement between Iraq and Kurdistan, Kurdistan was to now have some sovereinty over some areas.
  • Saddam Hussein becomes repressive agaisnt the Kurds In Northern Iraq

    The Kurds of northern Iraq (who are Sunni but not Arabs) were permanently hostile to the Ba'athist party's pan-Arabism. To maintain power Saddam tended either to provide them with benefits so as to co-opt them into the regime, or to take repressive measures against them.
  • Saddam takes over

    since the 1960's to1970's Saddam built a reputation as a progressive effective polititian moved up the ranks in the ba'ath party taking a leading role. Saddam took control of the Oil and raised the price and this made his country more money, This made his people into a modern civilization, he allowed for his people to have employment. But anyone who oppossed him were seen as enemies. The Kurds being that they wanted a share of the oil profits felt entitled to it.
  • Chemical Ali

    During the late stages of the Iran–Iraq War al-Majid was given the post of Secretary General of the Northern Bureau of the Ba'ath Party, in which he served from March 1987 to April 1989. This effectively made him Saddam's right hand man in the north parts of the country, commanding all state agencies in the rebellious Kurdish-populated region of the country. He was known for his ruthlessness, ordering the use of chemical weapons such as mustard gas, sarin, tabun and VX against Kurdish people.
  • The Spawning Of a Massacre

    The Halabja poison gas attack on the kurdish approaching the final days of the war between Iran and Iraq under the directions of Saddam Huesein and his cousin using chemical weapons against their own people. The Death couint was at about 180,00 from gassings. The gas that was dropped and used was said to smell
  • Gulf War

    Saddam invaded and annexed Kuwait, thus sparking an international crisis. Just two years after the 1988 Iraq and Iran truce,
  • Chemical Ali Captured

    Chemical Ali is captured by US troops
  • Chemical Ali Exicuted

    Saddam Hussen's cousin Chemical Ali is Hung