World War Two

By uriah
  • Benito Mussolini

    Benito Mussolini
    Gained controle of Italy as the countrys new dictaror. he used a fascis goverment; the fascis are exreme nationalism and a strong powerful goverment.
  • Joseph Stalin

    Joseph Stalin
    Was the new dictator of the soviet union. comunist: goverment controles the houses and busneses.
  • Kellogg-Briand pact

    Kellogg- Briand Pactthere was to be no war between any of the 61 signed countrys and any other couuntry, unless you needed to difend yourself.
  • Franklin D. Roosevelt

    Franklin D. Roosevelt
    FDR is inplementing the new dealin the United States. wanted the US to stay neutral but would send suplyes and stay out of the war in Eurupe
  • Holocaust

    11 million indavidual people were killed 5 million were jews and others had handycaped and were not blond with blue eyes and white skin. the jews were the scape goat for Germany's problems.
  • Concentration camps

    those who were taken were taken to cramped camps to live and die which lead to genocide.
    Others that where sent to the camps were Gypsies, Freemasons and jahovaj's witnesses.
  • Adolf Hitler

    Adolf Hitler
    Fuhrer of germeny,
    nazism: extreem nationalism, extreem racism aryens are superior
    aryans: blue eyes, blond hair germens.
  • Neutrality Acts

    Neutrality Acts
    The neutrality acts were created in hopes of preventing the U.S's
    direct involvement in future wars. These acts prohibited arm sales and loans to countries at war, as well as extended a ban on selling arms or loaning money to countries in a state of civil.
  • Troops build up in Ethiopa

    Troops build up in Ethiopa
    Mussolini build his own new Roman Empire. first he targeted Ethiopia the only remaining independent African country. In reaction the League of Nations put an ecinomic boycot on Italy.
  • Troop build up in the Rhineland

    Troop build up in the Rhineland
    Hitler sent 32,000 troops to the Rhineland, an area that was supposed to remain militaristicly neutral despite Germany's ownership.
  • Francisco Franco

    Francisco Franco
    Lead spanish nationalist army to victory and assumed power of the entire country. Franco recieved assistance from Hitler and mussolini in the form of weaponry, troops, and vehicles.
  • Quarantine Speach

    Quarantine Speach
    FDR said, "the peace, the Freedom, and the security of 90 percent of the population of the wourld is being jeparodised by the remaining 10 parcent who are threatening a brakdown of all international law and order. surely the 90 percent who want to live in peace under law and in accordance with standerds that have recived lmost universal acceptance through the centuries, can and must find some way ... to preserve peace.(547 the americans)
  • German troops march into Austria

    German troops march into Austria
    German troops marched into Austria after chansellor Kurt Von Schuschnigg refused to dring Austrian Nazis into the government. The invasion forced Schuschnigg to resign, creationg a union between Germany and Austrian.
  • Munich Pact

    Munich PactBritish prime minister Neville Chamberlain and French prime minister Edouard Daladier signed the Munich pact which gave Germany ownership Sudetenland.
  • Neville Chamberlain

    Neville Chamberlain
    the British Prime Minister.
    met hittler in Munich
    sined a treaty to hittler that gave him the land of Sudetenland without a shot being fired
  • Winston Churchill

    Winston Churchill
    thought that Chemberlin had given in to Hittler and was shoeing that he adoptid a shameful policy of appeasement
  • Kristallacht

    known as Crystal Nlight
    this night was the first night where natzi troops took Jews from there homes and distroyed their buisneses
  • Nonaggression Act

    The Sovoviet Union and Germany signed a Nonaggression Act and agreed not to fight and divided Poland
  • Blitzkrieg

    The Blitzkrieg, German for Lighning war, was a German military strategy, first used during theinvasion of Poland. Blitzkrig tactics allowed the Germans to take enemy forces by surprise and defeat them with overwhelming force.
  • Soviets Invade Finland

    The Stalen wanted the Soviet Union to be as it was during WW1 and started invading Finland in the late part of the year and in 3 months took Finland
  • Germans invade Denmark and Norway

    Germans invade Denmark and Norway
    Hitler launched a surprise attack on Denmark and Norway, claiming that it was to protect the countries freedom and independance.
  • Germans invade Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg

    Germans invade Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg
    After the invasion of Denmark and Norway, Germany turned it's attention toward the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg, and by the end of may gained control of the countries by the end of may.
  • Axis Powers

    Atreaty signed by Germany, Japan, and Italy. The three nations became known as the Axis Powers.
  • Germany and Italy invade France

    After invasion by Germany from tne north, and Italy from the south, Marshall Henri Petan urged his country to stop fighting. Hitler agreed to surrender on the terms that Germans would occupy northern France, and Marshall Petan would head a nazi-controled government.
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Hittler used the German Airforce the Luftwaffer.
    Luftwaffer used its planes to distroy britans air force RAF.
    the Luftwafferplaned to have controle of the skies and for 2 mothes bombed Brittain
    britan fought back and distroyed 56 at the loss of 26
  • Selective Service(& the G.I.)

    The Selective Service Act, requiring men ages 18 to 35 to register for the draft, enabled the Government to expand the draft so that troops could be sent to the evergrowng European conflict.The G.I. reffered to the government issue clothing,weaponry and supplies given to the soldiers, and even became a term referring to the men themselves.
  • The election of 1940

    The election of 1940
    F.D.R.won a third term of presidency, diffeating opponent Wendell Wilkie by 55 %
  • Lend-Lease act

    this act stated that any country that is in suport of the United States. will be sent millitary suplies.
  • A. Phillip Randolph

    A. Phillip Randolph was a president of The Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, and acted as a key figure in the implimentation of African Americans in the war driven workforce, as well as the front lines. Randolph organized a march on the capital and pressured F.D.R. into letting the march go on and providing imenities for the marching African Americans.
  • the Atlantic-Charter

    the Atlantic-Charter
    a secret meeting with FDR and Churchill
    the document stats that we are to help all countrys maintain freedome, we fight not to clame land but to preservit.
  • Leader of Japan-Hideki Tojo

    Leader of Japan-Hideki Tojo
    Japanese military General who took power during a crucial time in negotioans before WWII escilated.
  • pearl Harbor

    pearl Harbor
    japanise bomed the navle base of pearle Harbor, Hawaii.
    the suprise did not alow ships to fire back 18 ships and 2400 people were lost.
  • War Plans w/ Churchill & F.D.R.

    Churchill and F.D.R. made it the allie's top priority to defeat Germany because it would enable the eventual defeat of Japan using the Soviet Union.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of the Atlantic

    After Japan's attack on Pearl harbor, the German navy began attacking American and allied ships near the East Coast with U-boats. The allies soon began traveling in wolfpacks, and started to slow the destruction of their ships. The U.S. began producing 140 ships per month and eventualy ended the onslaught by the German U-boats.
  • Internment of japanse

    all of the japanese were isolated becouse we feared that they would leak information.
  • the Industrial Response

    factorys stoped prodicing there products and started to build tanks plains, ships, and weapons.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Stalingrad

    The German army was sent to The Soviet Union to capture Stalingrad, and control of soviet oil fields. The offensive was started when Germany began a nightly bombing of Stalingrad. When German troops entered to take the city Soviet forces remained steadfast , and in november reinforcements led a counterattack which would ultimately lead to the German's surrender in Stalingrad.
  • Period: to

    The Battle of the Coral Sea

    A navel waged between U.S. and Australian allied forces and a Japanese fleet set to invade New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.
  • Women's Auxiliary Army corps (WAAC)

    this was to let the women serve in the army but not have the same rank or pay as a man but it made the women feal usfull.
  • Philippines, Corregidor, Douglas MacArthur

    General Douglas MacArthur comanded 80,000 troops in the Pillipines, on the Island of Corregidor for four monthes but was eventualy forced to retreat by the 200,000 invading Japanese troops.
  • The Battle of Midway

    A U.S. navel and air fleet prevented the invasion of Midway island and eventualy Pearl Harbor
  • Guadalcanal

    U.S. marines stormed the island of Guadalcanal, in the Solomon islands, with hopes of forcing the Japanese out, which after six monthes they accomplished.
  • The North African Front

    The North African Front
    The Allied powers launched an invasion of Northern Africa, the goal of which was to defeat the Afrika Korps, an African sect of the German military. Eventualy the Allies forced a full surrender from the Afrika Korps.
  • The Italian Campaign

    The Allies decided to invade Itsly while preparing for a full blown invasion of Germany, because they suspected thet Italy was a weak link in the Axis. The Italians soon surrendered after the invasion of Siscily, and Benito Mussolini was stripped of his power, by the Italian Prime Minister.
  • D-Day

    Allied forces began an invasion of the German coastline, spanning 60 miles. Though the number of casualties was great, the Allies held the beaches and began the liberation of Europe.
  • The Battle of Leyte Gulf & kamikazes

    The Battle of Leyte Gulf & kamikazes
    After Allied forces ,making their way toward Japan, landed in the Phillipines on Leyte Island, where they experience the first of the Japanese kamikazis, or suicide bombers.
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    After the American invasion of the German town Aachen, Hitler retaliated by attempting to recapture the Belgian port of Antwerp. After monthes of freutless combat, the German Army was forced to retreat after a substantial loss of troops and equipment.
  • Yalta

    The Yalta conference Ally lleaders met, and it was arranged that the Sovet Union would enter the war with Japan if it recieved the Kuril and Sakhalin Islands, and that the United Nations or U.N. be founded.
  • The Battle of Iwo Jima

    The Battle of Iwo Jima
    Part of the Allies campaign of Island, Iwo Jima proved to be one of the most difficult. The ongoing battle took the lives of over 6,000 marines befor the island was taken.
  • Harry Truman Becomes President

    Vice President Truman takes his position as comander in chief afte Franlyn Roosevelt dies less than four monthe after re-election
  • Unconditional Surrender/V-E Day

    Unconditional Surrender/V-E Day
    Soviet forces invaded the Berlin, causing a panicked German soldiers to abandon the city. The German's part in the war appeared to be over. Even Hitler himself came to this conclusion, and on April 30 he commited suicide as an alternative to surrender. A week later, the ramaining representatives of the Nazi party Gave Their unconditional surrender, and on May 8 the Allies celibrated V-E day, or Victory in Europe day.
  • The Battle of Okinawa

    The Battle of Okinawa
    Okinawa was Japan's last outpost for the allies left to take, however it would prove a difficuld battle, claimin the lives of 7,600 American and 110,000 Japanese.
  • Potsdam

    Truman, Churchill, and Stalin met in Potsdam Germany, began plans to eliminate the Nazi regime still remaining.
  • The Manhatten Project

    The research, developement and creation of the most awesome and terrible weapon in history, the Atomic Bomb.
  • Hiroshima & Nagasaki

    The Atomic Bomb was dropped ,for the first time outside of testing, on Hiroshima with hopes of ending the war with Japan, however Japanese forces only surrendered as a whole after a second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, three days after Hiroshima.
  • Nuremburg Way Trials

    Nuremburg Way Trials
    Nazi war criminals were tried by the U.N. and over 200 were convicted, and sent to prison or sentinced to death