Brad Schillinger

  • Jacks wi

    Jacks wi
    Jack has to sell the cow because its making no milk anymore, and his wish is to keep his beloved cow. Jack sings "Guess This is Goodbye". This song is about Jack saying goodbye to Milky White.
  • Jack sells the cow

    Jack sells the cow
    Jack is told to sell the cow for no less then five pounds, but insted he sold the cow for five magic beans. He was told by the Baker that he buy the cow back whenever he wanted.
  • Jack plants the magic golden beans.

    Jack plants the magic golden beans.
    When Jack returned from the woods his mother was mad.He planted the bean and a huge beanstalk arose.
  • Jack climbs up the beanstalk

    Jack climbs up the beanstalk
    Jack climbs up the beanstalk and discovers a huge over sized castle up in the clouds.
  • In the castle

    In the castle
    Jack walks into the castle through the massive doors and spots the wife. She invites him into her house the husband enters, she puts him into the cabinet. The husband enters while Jack leaves and steals a bag of gold and starts climbing down the stalk.
  • buying back the cow

    buying back the cow
    Jack returns with the golden coins sets out to find the Baker. He finds the Baker, and asks him to buy the cow back. Jack hands him the coins the Baker says he still needed Milky White and keeps the coins. Jack tells him about the golden egg and the baker says he would give the cow to him when he got the golden egg.
  • Up the stalk for the second time

    Up the stalk for the second time
    Jack goes home, and returns to the beanstalk the second time to get the golden egg to by back his cow. Insted of stealing a egg he steals the whole chicken. When Jack decendes from the stalk he sets off to find the Baker and his cow.
  • Jack's cow dies

    Jack's cow dies
    Jack finds the Baker in the woods and the chicken lays a gold egg in his hand. The Baker says that he doesn't want the egg and they argue back and forth. While they are arguing the cow somehow dies.
  • The third time up the stalk and the last

    The third time up the stalk and the last
    On the way back to his house he runs into Little Red Ridinghood. He tells her that the chicken lays gold eggs, and there is giants in the sky.She doesn't belive him so Jack returns to the beanstalk and steals the magic harp, but this time the gaint follows him down the stalk. Jack takes a axe and chops down the stalk and the giant falls to his death.
  • Where's Jack

    Where's Jack
    The giants wife is mad at Jack for killing her wife and wants to kill him back. She lost her glasses on the way down a new stalk so she can not see well.
  • Killing the giants wife

    Killing the giants wife
    The giants wife goes on a terror strike killing everyone. Jack and the Baker decide to kill the wife. The giant gets killed from Jack striking her on the head.
  • The End

    The End
    Everyone alive decide to spend the rest of their life as a family and live happy ever after.