Seifert, Michael

  • Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born

    Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born
    Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born in October 17, 1973.
  • Marshall's Dad left

    Marshall's Dad left
    Eminem's dad left when he was 6 months old.
  • Marshall got his first rap CD.

    Marshall got his first rap CD.
    Marshall, known as Eminem, got his first Rap CD when he was 9 years-old.
  • Eminem Dropped Out of School

    Eminem Dropped Out of School
    Eminem dropped out of High School to follow his rapping career.
  • Eminem moved in with his Girlfriend

    Eminem moved in with his Girlfriend
    Eminem moved in with Kim Mathers after he dropped out of High School.
  • Haylee was born

    Haylee was born
    Haylee Mathers was born.
  • Dr. Dre discovered Eminem

    Dr. Dre discovered Eminem
    Dr. Dre discovered Eminem's talent.
  • Eminem gets a break

    Eminem gets a break
    Eminem sang at an arena in 1999.
  • Debbie Mathers sings

    Debbie Mathers sings
    Debbie Mathers sings about all of what Eminem told the media about his mom and she sings saying its all lies.
  • Released Relaspe

    Released Relaspe
    Eminem released Album: Relaspe.