First vote

The Agony of Reconstruction

  • Lincoln sets forth 10 percent Reconstruction Plan

    Lincoln sets forth 10 percent Reconstruction Plan
    (Entire Slideshow Picture)
    Cornish EDU<a href='' >NPS Gov</a> The Reconstruction Plan provided that once 10% or more of the voting population of any occupied state had taken an oath of allegiance to the Union they were authorized to set up a loyal government
  • Wade-Davis Bill passes Congress but is pocket-vetoed by Lincoln

    Wade-Davis Bill passes Congress but is pocket-vetoed by Lincoln
    American History 102
    Lincoln refused to sign the bill before Congress adjorned, killing the bill.
  • Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative

    Johnson moves to reconstruct the South on his own initiative
    Civil War: Reconstruction
    Johnson's reconstruction policy was met with uneasiness among Radicals but Republicans were willing to give it a try.
  • Congress refuses to seat representatives and senators elected from the states reestablished under presidential plan

    Congress refuses to seat representatives and senators elected from the states reestablished under presidential plan
    U.S. Congress
    Instead, Congress established a joint commitee to set further conditions for readmission to those seceded states.
  • Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau Bill

    Johnson vetoes Freedmen's Bureau Bill
    [The American Civil War](http://
    The veto made the rift between Johnson and Congress permanant though a modified version of the bill eventually passed.
  • Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act; it passes over his veto

    Johnson vetoes Civil Rights Act; it passes over his veto
    The Edge of the American West It was the first time Congress overrid a presidential veto.
  • Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment

    Congress passes Fourteenth Amendment
    Anneburg Classroom
    It gave the federal government the responsibilty to ensure equal rights under the law to all Americans.
  • Republicans increase their congressional majority in the fall elections

    Republicans increase their congressional majority in the fall elections
    Pop and Politics The Republicans within Congress grew to a solid two-thirds within both houses.
  • First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto

    First Reconstruction Act is passed over Johnson's veto
    Georgia Info
    The Act placed the South under the rule of the army within five military districts.
  • Johnson is impeached; he avoids conviction by one vote

    Johnson is impeached; he avoids conviction by one vote
    David O. Stewart
    The failure to remove Johnson from office was embarrasing for congressional Republicans but it did insure that reconstruction would continue on how Congress intended.
  • Southern blacks vote and serve in consitutional conventions

    Southern blacks vote and serve in consitutional conventions
  • Grant wins presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour

    Grant wins presidential election, defeating Horatio Seymour
    Grant Pictures and Biography
    Grant had neither the vision nor the sense of duty to tackle the nation's challenges leading to his failed southern policy.
  • Congress passes Fifteenth Amendment, granting African Americans the right to vote

    Congress passes Fifteenth Amendment, granting African Americans the right to vote
    Seperate is not Equal
    It prohibited any state from preventing any male citizen from voting based on race, color, or previous servitude.
  • Congress passes Ku Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights in the South

    Congress passes Ku Klux Klan Acts to protect black voting rights in the South
    History Teacher.Net
    The acts made interference with voting rights a federal crime.
  • Grant re-elected president, defeating Horace Greeley, candidate of Liberal Republicans and Democrats

    Grant re-elected president, defeating Horace Greeley, candidate of Liberal Republicans and Democrats
    Grant won 56% of the popular vote, the highest percentage won by any canidate between Andrew Jackson and Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Financial panic plunges nation into depression

    Financial panic plunges nation into depression
  • Congress passes Specie Resumption Act

  • "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed

    "Whiskey Ring" scandal exposed
    Encyclopedia Virginia The incident confirmed the people's fear of corruption in high valued places. Grant's protection of his private secretary would later be referred to as a cover-up.
  • Disputed presidential election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden

    Disputed presidential election resolved in favor of Republican Hayes over Democrat Tilden
    Hayes won with the help of the Compromise of 1877.
  • Compromise of 1877 ends military intervention in the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments

    Compromise of 1877 ends military intervention in the South and causes fall of the last Radical governments
    Elections Harpweek
    It was a bargain struck by Republican leaders to ensure Haye's election.